Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


At the spring
We can say ‘Good morning’ and greet this troop…
You all know when one soldier falls, he is immediately replaced; this means ‘don’t become too attached to your own identity in life’…
it’s always a good thing to, occasionally, take a view from the distance at yourself, keep a sense of humour and, always, forgiveness – you might say that this is a general character of the entity, any entity… when you take a distant view of yourself, you are closer to your own entity…
you all know you have certain personality traits – many times they’re carried to the next personality to the next to the next, there are similarities in the reincarnational personalities, let’s call them… if there’s something about your personality that you struggle with, that you don’t approve of, but you judge, something that you want to adjust,

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We want you to remember those Spartans today…
they knew they were going to lose but they didn’t lose their fighting spirits, they didn’t give up before the battle… you know that the crisis in your country accelerates, you might have challenges, but you don’t have a typhoon so you can handle it…
When you’re entering into the water today, you’re going to do something a bit different: you’re going to ask for a spirit from a Spartan who fought to come and meet you… this is a power, you see; usually We’re giving the power at the Site of Delphi; We’re doing something a bit different this time… you will be taking the power here and you will be using it on the Site tomorrow…
of course, some of you are aware that you had your own entities present during the battle of Thermopyles

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Greetings to this Gathering…
very nice to see some new faces and very nice for some of you, Greeks, to visit some of the old places… you all know the history of Thermopyles and how many have given their lives here… what you might not know is what they received for that give-away
in order to be open to receive, you might consider giving sth away… even if you want to receive e.g. a new job, a new love, a new house, a new car, you can give sth you consider valuable to sb else, sb who you feel will value that gift… and you give it with the internal attitude ‘I’m giving this away so that I may receive this what I need, what I want’…  you don’t need to tell the other person; this is a conversation with the Universe so you’re talking

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