Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Mt. Olympus

We’ve told you that We’re interested in protecting this Land
Another one of Our interests is in Healing
Our Channel had her own opinion about that topic and We had to wait until she was in agreement… don’t ever call her a healer, she doesn’t want to take that responsibility…
The body is always giving the individual messages from the spirit: every accident, you might say, contains a message… you can’t really heal completely without the agreement of your spirit, you can’t really complete your life or complete your earth-walks without healing yourselves; and this is why We came here today: to bring in a Great Force of Healing… the earth is receptive, the earth is waiting to cooperate with the spirit…
When the human is passing through a crisis, this is when the spirit is most attentive, this is when the spirit is available to be called into Service…
Who is the Greatest Healer you’ve ever heard of?
 (…) Asclepius…
 (…) Jesus…
 (…) Our Self…
– That you’ve ever heard of…
 (…) Hippocrates…
 (…) Gaia (Earth) – Hygeia (Health)…
– So today you’re going to focus on that – whomever you’ve chosen as the Greatest Healer, in order to invite Them to the Earth… those Great Healers are never going to reincarnate in a physical form again but They will be available, energetically… They will arrive when you call Them into Service
Every step that you take on your spiritual paths is a step towards greater healing… Enlightenment is the Completion of Healing the Self; when you become enlightened, you heal your entity field… you might say that the Entity in agreeing to walk on the earth, absorbs some of the imbalances that have been left on the earth by other actions from humans in order to take the challenge for Enlightenment…
some of you here today have some physical ailments; after you imagine that you’re connecting with the Healer that you’ve chosen, focus on that ailment, ask Them to work directly on healing that particular imbalance that you’ve discovered in your physical form…
you might notice some psychic surgery in your dreams in the next weeks, you might notice some specific messages you receive about that imbalance, you might discover why you had that or why you created – or why that imbalance was created in your physical body, you might heal more quickly than usual…
All We want you to do, those of you who are on your feet, is to go somewhere alone – don’t get lost, mark your trail – and focus on that Healer you have in your mind…
Now say again the Healers; in case you can’t think of one, you can borrow the idea from another…
 (…) Asclepius, Jesus, Hippocrates, Christ, Nature, Joau…
– Joau works with healers so you might focus on those that he’s in contact with… you can focus on a Saint if you like and you’re going to work to bring Them through your form into the earth…
 (L.) Can the healer be Mt Olympus?
– We’re asking you to focus on someone that you’ve heard of in order to give Them a greater opportunity to connect with this mountain – do you see the difference? Of course, the Mountain is Sacred; the Mountain is open to receive and you’re creating a pathway with your minds and your will centers and your bodies… and you get the benefit of the healing from your actions…
After that then We will touch your bodies and We will have questions and answers… so you can ask some questions about what happened… We’re changing it a bit today: first, you connect directly and then We connect you and your therapist to the earth here…
 (D.) Could the fact that we named several Healers mean that there is only one?
– Is there only one Flow of Healing?
 (D.) That’s what I’m asking…
– No…
 (D.) Where’s the difference?
– Different ways of operating…
each person is responsible to heal themselves… how you do it, is, basically, your business… each Healer has their own method of healing… healing originates from the Creative Force, if you like… then you would believe it comes from One Source… if it comes from One Source, that Source is your own thought that believes you can be healed…
 (Ch.) So it’s Mind over Matter, obviously…
but then comes the question ‘what is Matter, after all?’…
– Energy moving; that’s what mind is too, is it not?
What is Nature if you’re not one with nature?
What is Light?
What is Enlightenment?
Awareness of what you are, who you are, how you move, how you move energy, how you control that movement…
you know about Quantum Physics – this is what We’re working with…
We have contracts with many, you see; it’s just a matter of inviting Them to participate with Us… They might not necessarily want to come if They don’t like the company that We bring with Us – that’s why We ask each of you to extend your own personal invitation… when you work with Us, you work with your entity fields; you must have realized that already…
so you’re not alone here; you’re accompanied by your own entity fields – We’ve invited them all to join each of the personalities here…
So, you see, the Path of Spirit is the Path of Healing – the Healing is Enlightenment… all of the injuries along the way are messages from your Path
 (K.) Are we talking about physical injuries alone or psychic traumas as well?
– Any imbalance that you discover in your experience of being human… the Healers that you’ve chosen were all human at one point, weren’t they?
 (J.) But I chose Nature…
 Nature is always a part of the healing… all healing uses natural elements… so if you want to choose Nature as your Healer, you might choose one of the goddesses of the forest – e.g. the Protector of Nature…
if you choose Nature, it’s a bit too general… if you want to choose Nature, you might choose the Nymphs of the Water or the Elves and those creatures…
this is a game; We always play games because it’s fun…
 (L.) Could our healer be an animal?
– Which animal do you think can heal you?
 (L.) The jaguar…
– It’s the spirit of the animal… it’s the power that defines that creature…
you can choose an animal spirit, then you go more into shamanism and you might need more than one…
e.g. when Jesus ascended, He expanded, energetically; He became too big to enter into a physical body again… or Jesus became one with the Christ Energy… and the Christ Energy is not able to fit into a human form… and neither is Asclepius or Hippocrates…
The jaguar is going into a different game – We could play that game too… if you want to choose an animal, choose three: one from the air, one from the earth and one from the water so that you can cover all the grounds…
We’re looking for the Big Guys here today; We already have the animals…
 (Gr.) What I gather from what You’re saying is that the Christ Energy existed before Jesus, so I’m asking what His Energy has to do with this specific Mountain and location we are since it’s known that on the area where the Monastery is there was an Ancient Temple of Artemis… Did the Ancients know that the Mountain was carrying the Christ Energy?
– Yes… what is the Holy Spirit? There… Christ…
 (M.) Why was there a triple constitution?
– Who says that?
 (D.) The Scripts…
– Are you talking about Father, Son, Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the base of the Triangle…
 (Gr.) So Jesus was more or less trained to receive this Christ Energy…
– He became One with the Christ Consciousness… so they gave Him the name Jesus Christ; He wasn’t Christ… Christ was moving through Him… or the Energy or the Power of the Christ Consciousness – it’s about consciousness, is it not?
If you’re a good Christian, don’t you want to become one with Christ?
 (Gr.) Is it true that He died on the cross, that He was crucified?
– Why not see it as mythology? Is it true that the Greek Gods lived on this mountain? If you believe it is…
 (M.) I want to ask about the healing process – do we visualize the healer as a form passing through us?
– You visualize the form and you ask Them to come into your energy field… and when We touch you, We make sure it goes all the way through… Great Healers are usually very humble and They turned down a lot of invitations…
 (M.) So do we have to insist in order to be able to receive?
– You have to use your will power… you can have a conversation about your own path and how you need to have assistance to heal that troubling on your spiritual path… that you would like to invite this healer to accompany you when you need help and therapy… you don’t try to manipulate Him or Her to come in or to demand that They come– you invite Them…
 (Ch.) For how long?
– 20 – 30 min…
 (Ch.) We should ground ourselves…
– You should always be doing that…
Now We will be here and when you come back, We will start touching the bodies… Don’t get lost, mark your trails…

We hope that you all had success…
Our ultimate Goal is to direct each of you into the Light, the Light of Awareness… the light of Self- healing… All of you have contacted healers in your life, doctors, medicines, homeopathy… some of you even work as doctors, homoeopathists… Humanity works together… and it’s the same in the Spirit World – the Spirits work together as well…
We’re going to pause the chatter so that We can greet each of you directly so that it is a successful Endeavour… one-by-one you’ll stand in front and We’ll work and We want you to tell whom you’ve chosen…

After the Endeavour
You will see how effortless is healing if you believe you’re on the right path…
You know that saying ‘Mind over Matter’
We say ‘Mind in the Matter’– and you can clear it up…
Always know your thought whenever you have a so-called accident e.g. you cut your finger while chopping sth, stop and remember what your thoughts were in that moment… and that can back-up a bit your mind into that matter, that concern, what was concerning you at that moment…
In the English language matter does not only mean material, it also means concern or the issue…
We open for questions… one each…
also, for the next week, keep an ongoing conversation with that healer that you chose… you might ask them: ‘What do you think about this what matters to me; does it matter to you?
 (Ch.) I had to face a number of obstacles in order to get here this weekend; did I overdo it trying to come here?
– How do you feel finally?
 (Ch.) Always like this is the place for me to be…
– So you didn’t overdo it…
 (Ch.) No, but the thought did cross my mind…
– You had to move a lot of energy to get here so you cleared a great deal from your own path; every obstacle that you faced represents an obstacle that existed on your path… so you moved ahead a great deal; you will notice in the next weeks a great many things resolved for you… you’ve been waiting, correct?
 (Ch.) Yes, for a very long time…
 (J.) Is there a particular reason why the issue today was healing?
 This is the new Holy Mountain, lets’ say…
so it’s time to invite the Great Prince of Peace to make an appearance
 (M.) I cut my finger 4 days ago and I remember the thought: I was thinking about the journey from Thessaloniki to Mt. Olympus in N.’s car… what does it mean?
– And did you travel with him?
 (M.) Yes…
– And how was the journey?
 (M.) Lovely…
– So you cut out any negative thinking about the movement…
 (R.) I’d like to ask about the meditation we did before… my body and head were moving very fast and then for a moment I felt that I was changing faces – man/woman, that I was losing my female identity…
– You can guess you were witnessing other members of your entity field – you can see it like a wheel and you were spinning around that wheel gathering power from each of those individuals that you contacted…
No matter what our topic is, no matter where We are, Our intention is to share power with those of you who join Us through your own process of evolution… We don’t just give away power; We give small exercises and if the subject does the exercise, they gather the power from the experience and also from Our impressions into their Fields…
 (M.) After a whole year of work with myself, I realized a mystery behind my movement; a big part of it is over but I’m facing a void and regression…
– You’re retreating a bit… you have to process your experiences…if you decide to go and climb this mountain, won’t you pause occasionally? Won’t you lay down to sleep? Won’t you take a rest?
Any path that you walk, there are times to rest, time to reflect on your origin, what was the origin, where you began from: the void…
 (An.) I’ve hurt my right part of the body repeatedly and I’d like to understand why… knowing that it’s the m side, it seems it’s about sth I haven’t been able to grasp; could you help me with that because soon I won’t be able to walk…
– You don’t want to think like that, do you? It’s not even a joke…
you have surrendered to a profession, lets’ say, or a m expression in society but you have yet to surrender to a man, to surrender completely… to allow the vulnerability to surface…
you always have to be strong; now that your father walked to the other side, you’ve believed that you have to be the man for your mother – you can’t, you’re a woman… whenever you feel pain or you injure that side, use that affirmation: ‘I choose a f expression; I am a woman, I am a strong woman’
it’s partly because of the patriarchal system that exists that you take that side of your form out – that you injure that side… you want to bring out the f power in a vulnerable manner… put that thought in your mind and think about it a bit: what’s your opinion of women…
 (E.) For a year now I experience loss of people who leave me alone in life, sth which has resulted in an emotional imbalance and, to an extent, a passive attitude towards life…
– Do you feel that you’ve been abandoned?
– (E.) Yes…
– And you judge yourself…
do you believe that you lost sth rather than believing that you have freedom from the circumstances of those others?
All relationships have a beginning and an ending
if you’re on the path to closing your life – and you know it, do you want to have a big party with many persons or do you want true friendship? Or do you want oneness with god? What do you want?
 (E.) I want true friends and, additionally, oneness with god – in that order…
– Have you lost true friends?
 (E.) I believe so…
– Is it your fault?
 (E.) I can’t really say…
– Why don’t you call the person that you believe is a true friend and ask them directly: ‘Was I behaving in a manner that caused you to cut relationships with me?
 (E.) I’ve done it but no answer…
– They wouldn’t tell you… they’re not true friends… call another one… keep calling them until you find out who was your true friend…
 (P.) I paused for a year because I felt I had to eliminate some obstacles and now I believe the road is clear; is it so?
– For self-expression… for free-er self-expression, yes… We agree…
– (P.) Also, for what I’m planning?
– It’s a winding path, but you can do it…
– (L.) Concerning a health problem a year ago you had suggested movement; is the feeling I have – that I will get sick, due to wrong handling of the energy on my part or due to an energetic attack from elsewhere outside myself?
– If you want to believe that the thought-forms originating in others’ minds are negative energy, it’s a belief… if you believe you can protect yourself from the thought of others e.g. by not following them, by not hearing them, then it’s true… you don’t necessarily have to get sick in the life to heal yourself or to be healed… watch your thoughts and your beliefs…
watch what you’re thinking about yourself, about your body, about your health…
 (V.) There is this lady who’s taking care of our kids when we’re not at home; recently my wife feels more and more that she’s completed her mission… to an extent I agree with her but somehow I feel that this lady is offering them love and attention not easily found…
– Why don’t you ask the children what they think? You can perhaps use her for fewer hours… if the children want her…
 (V.) I’m certain of this; they see her as their second mother…
 (D.) During the Open Gathering in Thessaloniki I felt you were annoyed and like you didn’t want to inspire the audience…
– We didn’t want to play their game; We played Our game…
Each person takes inspiration from a different flavor in the food so perhaps if you took a survey to ask if there was any inspiration for you in the lecture… We were playing coy… anyone else who was there and felt that the lecture was uninspiring?
 (M.) Yes, I felt that too when referring to the Church…
– We didn’t want to feed any egos…
 (Gr.) I was expecting about 90 people after the Gathering last June and yet only 27 Greeks showed up carrying negativity, anger, frustration…
 (P.) Imagine 90 people with the same attitude…
– Let it go… hear the recording and then make your decision if it was worth listening to…
 (A.) Regarding all the negative scene of the Gathering, I’d like to share sth that happened to me the next day: at 5 o’clock in the afternoon 2 beautiful rainbows appeared, so alive that I felt I could touch them and that filled me with energy and positive feelings which lasted for about 3 hours…
– If you do the suggestion that We gave: ‘when you’re walking, ask the Spirit to come up and greet you’, this can lift you out of any mindset that’s not pleasant…
 (L.) What does the Spirit of this Holy Mountain want from us, Modern Greeks?
– Freedom of Expression – give it a chance…
Now if you can do the closing circle
Certainly We’re greeting each and every one of you individually and as a group… watch your dreams and keep your chosen ones in your mind whenever you have any difficulty – whether it’s physical, psychological, emotional, mental; you can ask for them…
Good evening…