Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Knossos Crete

Knossos Crete

28 October 2017

Knossos Crete

For the group, if you can move a little bit closer so that we do not have to shout. We do not want to make a spectacle of ourselves. When you are dealing with power, if you are respectful, you are quiet, not loud and not boisterous throwing your arms around. Just stepping lightly and what we want you to do today is to step very lightly. We want you walk in as many places as you can, as quickly as you can. We want you to walk around the site very softly. You are focused on softness. You know the feminine form is usually a bit softer than the masculine. The feminine voice is usually a little bit higher than the masculine and the feminine energy has a more refined vibration than the masculine. You might blame it on hormones but the woman is vibrating at a different frequency than the man. This is why she may be accused of being hysterical or overly emotional. We want you to do the work on this site first and then we can meet and have a chat. The first step is to come in contact with the spirit of the site. Understand when humans are trampling on the Earth and are stuck in their heads often the spirits retreat, they do not come out. It is very important if you want to connect with the spirit that you be silent, that you be soft and stay focused. So this exercise is to come in contact with the feminine. You are going to walk very softly as if you are not even making a footprint on the Earth. Cover as much of the ground as you can, spread out and then after perhaps thirty minutes we will meet back here.

Now we are back…

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