Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


Dreams do come true…
Life is a dream you prepare dying those phases of living in between lifetimes and in one lifetime for another; in other words, the dreams you have at this present life may materialise in a future or a past life… those difficult concepts for the human mind are those of TIME, THE CLOCK…
It’s no accident that the hands of the clock go round and round and round – when you dream about something, daydream, you open a circle, an area to allow for the manifestation of a dream; if you, continually, put energy into that circle by continuing to dream, by making a type of ceremony, by taking action, by doing sth practical in order to support the manifestation of that dream, this puts even more energy into that circulation of flow of creativity…
The understanding of TIME that most minds can attest to is quite limited; Time is not an obstacle, ever, Time is what you’re giving…
It’s a type of marriage between the energetic flow of being and the material world, for only in the mind can time take a type of concreteness, a type of reality – it doesn’t, actually, exist beyond the thoughts!
You and J. share dreams from other existences; in other words, you have daydreamed together, you have made plans and in so doing, you have opened circles between you and those circles exist open until the time the two of you agree to close them…
The dreams J. has are inspired by this Force; We have an intention, We have a reason to invest energy into this dimension and, as there’s not one mind that can conceive the whole Plan, We have yet to share it with another, We share bits and pieces of it!
Moving on, it’s time for you to let go of striving; you have proven to yourself you’re in the front line, that you’re ahead of the crowd… you’re a lightning bolt when it comes to the marriage between Knowledge and Wisdom, therefore, it’s no longer necessary to strive in any direction, for anything!
It’s time for you to start dreaming again
This is one of the reasons the two of you have formed a union, a relationship: to support the dreaming
For J., to support her in this big dream she has acquired in this process of working with Us
For you, to begin dreaming again, to step outside of the concrete reality of your life, of the structure, of the limitations and become a dreamer once again!
This is how you’ll manifest your dreams, how you’ll create the rest of your life: DREAMING!
And frustration with the others begins to lessen: the more persons you come in contact with, that are part of this Project, the less tense you feel; and this is what motivates J. to introduce you to everybody she knows, as to see you relieved from the stress of striving to prepare others to accept a new reality, a new society, a new lifestyle, a new family over-responsibility is lessening!
You feel responsible for one another and this creates webs…
Life is a web!
Each point is connected to every other point, automatically – this is how the humans are structured energetically; each human is connected to anotherit’s insecurity that motivates one human to create some type of density, a more dense line of connecting: a marriage, a contract people sign…
Any type of agreement that binds people can become an obstruction…
Say, for example, that you’re at this point of the web and the other person is at another point If you create a very solid structure between, in some ways, you block the free flow of energy to all the other points that go around…
You’ve been working on this, J. has invested herself into you and this has allowed you to shake up the structures you’ve created, the binding structures between those people you love; for in the future, it’s unnecessary to become overly dependent on one another in order to have your needs met, in order to express yourself or to share space or to feel loved or to have somebody with whom you can communicate…
As this energy within that web begins to flow, then it’s a great loosening between individuals, it’s not necessary to structure relations…
There’s a great movement in this dimension for the energy, for the consciousness to be relieved of Dogmatic systems…
This is one of Our main goals: to assist the individual to break through, to individualise dogmas [Religion, Spirituality, Friendships, Family, Life]…
This is the future…
The Earth is creating a great movement of energy to break, to destroy – and this is what, ultimately, is being destroyed: dogmatic systems… simple!
You may ask yourself, you may use this word in the next few weeks: ‘what are my dogmatic beliefs about this situation? What is my personal dogma about this job I perform? About the structure of the school? About my relationships with my students? About the relationships with my family? About myself as a woman? As a friend? What are my dogmas?’
The dogma is the Core belief…
And, just, by, playfully, looking at your life in that way, just by, effortlessly, letting go of striving – not easy for you, but you can do it! As the energy is moving in circles, you don’t put any specific energy into one direction – this stops the flow in any direction!
Relax! We’re not getting anywhere, this is something that can’t be lost; it’s something that can be available as long as you need it! Simply trust! J. has committed herself to this Project and she won’t allow anyone to get lost!
Now, talk about how you feel!
– (D.) I’m trying to figure out who I am and how I’m dealing with life…
– That’s part of your education…
An individual doesn’t separate from the role, an individual sheds a role…
It’s for you to remove the role – any role, hang it on the hook until you’re ready to wear it, not to live it; in order to access that vulnerable spot necessary for you, you must step out of the role…
So, it’s all tied together, it’s all wound together into a thread, a ball of yarn.
As you understand the core, the central point, the dogma, then, you begin loosening from the centre…
Psychology in the past proposed a subject by taking the end of the thread and begin to pull it, to unwind this structure – and you know the Time and the Distance this would take…
We work from the centre: as you work from the centre, the centre grows and the whole ball expands and becomes looser and the threads rather than being so tight, they become open, so, eventually, you can reach in and just take the core out and it’s finished!
At the same time, We’re counselling you for your own growth, We’re counselling you as a member of this Project, and you’ll notice this in all of your sessions, in the sessions that you’ll translate: you’ll receive information so that you may understand Our process of expression, how We work…
– (D.) Do I have issues with some of my present colleagues?
– You know this, you know what they are!
– (D.) What should I be doing?
– Find the dogma; by using this word, you might…
Now, We’ll reveal a bit more about Our Magic: We give you a word and We empower that word so that when you use that word, you’ll receive a burst of energy from this Source… in this way, We continue to inspire the person after the session is through! Dogma is your magic word for some time, not forever!
Everything is shifting and changing and better to move along with the shifts and changes…
So, with whomever you find a frustrating note, simply, ask yourself: what is the dogmatic system I’ve created around this relationship, and then, you play with that for a couple of days, perhaps… you, just, allow that question to dance through your mind… and, then, you might have a dream, you might have some inspiration, you might see something you haven’t seen..
Don’t imagine you’re stuck anywhere!
Don’t imagine you’re walking through an unknown place of vines that are winding around your ankle – you are free!
Only the belief system, the dogma is pulling the shades down in your conscious awareness…
– (D.) I have a student who stutters – how do I handle him?
– Read together out loud thus, he can read something dreamy… read some stories about characters that are half real and half fairy, perhaps about nobles or fairies… read the story together: first, you read, then he reads, and then you read together; inthis way, you create a flow of the spoken word so that he might follow…
Be careful if you’re completing his sentences!
He’s educating you to slow down your assumptions, your conclusions; if he stutters, then, you have an opportunity to stop completing his sentence, to stop assuming you know what he’s trying to say, therefore rather than seek to help him, help yourself: he gives you an education of the opposite sex, as well as assuming that you can interpret the flow of the opposite sex is an error…
Men and women think differently, act differently…
In order to have a harmonious relationship with a man, the woman must allow space for him to act, express and be without her directive…
Women have a certain flow, and men have another it’s in combining these streams that MAGIC is created!
If one attempts to dominate the other, then they are overpowering the flow forcing it to go in a direction that it may not choose on its ownthis young boy gives you the opportunity to practise

– (D.) Why do I have back pain? What is it that I cannot carry?
Your own power, dear! You are hesitating to take the next step towards Self-realization: when you confront the authority with what you know!
Have you heard this expression ‘your back against the wall’?
– (D.) What is power?
– You understand that there is a struggle for power, not only in the country but in the world! This is the name of the game: Power!
And each person, in their own individual worlds, in their personal lives, mirrors what is happening outside of themselves; this is how the web is created, this is how the world is created – there is always a connectiveness within the community, for instance, within the country, within Europe, within the world; there is always something that connects one to the other…
Now, for you personally, your own challenge throughout the last few years is to tale power for yourself, to learn what it feels like to be in a position of power, to hold power, to share power…
The best power is Self-realization!
There is no great power for any individual – no matter how many countries they conquer, how many women they bend down; and you, not wanting to put another down directly, you put yourself down, you see! Hence your back pain… you face the challenge of confronting some people in power and this also contributes to putting you down: backing away from power most problems with the back are caused from backing away from a contest of power or an opportunity to embrace more power, an opportunity to utilize the power somebody has already embraced…
And you see this new opportunity, you know this expression: brace yourself which means when you freeze in a position of holding; you are not loose, you know what a brace is… and this is all connected: you brace yourself against your own power because you have to confront those people, some leaders… you know something to share with them, you have something to share with them – simply speak up without necessarily having expectations of change, just to share what it is that you can share: your position! If you put yourself in their position, wouldn’t you want to hear?
– (D.) Of course, I would! Any help would be welcome…
– From somebody like yourself? Of course!
It’s not easy to have power!
You have the example of this Channel (J.) who always humbles herself to ask for advice or direction or input from those close to her… and in order to accept your positions, you have to, you need to play the roles elsewhere so that you can see yourselves, the value that you hold…
It’s not necessary to stress about this Project or about this relation…
Many, many times, it requires lifetimes in order to impress, seriously, a civilization – not only in a country but in the world! It’s not easy to… in other words: just as you need a series of institutions in order to educate you e.g. a doctor…
First, he must go to the primary school, then the high school, university, specialization and even after that maybe more!
If you take all those schools in one lifetime…
This is why We don’t need any specific times or … it’s not necessary! Each person must work at their own pace until all are prepared!
This is a Team Operation, it cannot be actualized with only one; this is why J. has had so much disappointment in her path with this work: seeing the potential and seeing how people drop out
You understand: they enter the university and they drop out; and she is there with the certificate to hand to them when they complete the university but they drop out so she is disappointed so she dreams about them…
Or she continues to have expectations that they will continue their education – perhaps they will; she has learned the hard way of ‘how to let go of expectations’
Now, as you evolve through yourself, you see all kinds of people…
There are students entering this Project at different levels…
Some come to the grammar school, others come to the extended Masters’ Program, as you call it… and although they enter from the Masters’, they may still have forgotten a great deal from the grammar school, from the high school or the university, so they have to polish up, they need a Refresher Course first through their life…
This may mean that Life is quite difficult…
That there are challenges that resonate very deeply inside of their souls…
And it’s not appropriate for another student in the same class to criticize what the other has to pass through to prove that they deserve to be in the Masters’ Course – they have to remember those humbling experiences…
It’s very humbling not to know how to add 2+2, isn’t it? It’s very humbling for a Master’s Course student to forget what is 3×7– but some do!
As you accelerate through life, some simple things are forgotten, some simple things must be remembered!
And this experience for you of feeling incapacitated is a humbling one as well to give you the energy to Forgive-and-Forget and allow the others – whomever they happen to be their own time, the time they need to catch up…
There could be a student who pops into the Course and you get the potential to become infuriated with them because of what they have forgotten and We don’t want – and you don’t want that to destroy you!
You’ve been dealing with students your whole life but not this type of educational system – you know this is something big and many people feel that and know that and they avoid it!
After they have been close, they give the ‘wary eye’ to J. because they do know that they took something and they know how valuable it is, but they don’t want to tell anyone else… they gained from it but they don’t want to take anymore!
Perhaps they know their limitations better than J. does; she believes no-one has any limitations and she sees clearly those who do not have any limitations…
We say anything, you know, just like in a classroom: you might begin the lesson about something, but you might talk about something that seems completely irrelevant, correct?
– (D.)Yes, of course!
– Just because you have to pass the time, don’t you?
You have a certain obligation to Time when you are a teacher, don’t you? You have to give this to fill up the hours…
We have to do the same: We have to allow each student their own relationship with Time so We work around Time…
You are part of something that is beyond your wildest imagination; this is why it’s impossible to define it!
It’s an educational process to Know Thyself – this is the easiest way to explain it to another; and each person has their own responsibility and their own choice: how much of themselves they want to know!

– (D.) Living can be so difficult…
– Life, like any other subject, is not completely understood until it’s over!
This means that many passages, illnesses, relations are not, fully, comprehended, digested until you finish the circle of life – some clouds obscure all of the sun, you know, all of the beings of the sun, all of the sunshine when others, partially, obscure the light…
This is why the theme of Acceptance and Forgiveness are so major for any evolving spirit…
At some point there are no questions – you, simply, accept life! You, simply, accept the meal that is being served, eat what you like or what you choose, and leave the rest without any comment or any discussion of ‘why we are eating this today’ or ‘What are the ingredients’ etc!
This is for energetic adjustments: this is why We are present!  Everything else We can discuss but We can’t, really, fix anything so that it’s easier to accept… 
– (D.) Are we all old souls? And how is ‘old’ defined?
– There really is no such thing – this is only a way to separate one from the other…
Imagine a container full of seeds: if one seed is planted before another and grows into a tree and the other is, still, a seed; if you call that an ‘old tree’, how does that relate to the other seed which hasn’t become a tree yet?
You see, you can’t compare energy between one form and another, it’s another intellectual pursuit…
– (D.) How is a soul created?
– First of all, what is a soul?
The soul is an attempt to identify and define the essence of the spirit to separate it from the Whole!
If you say ‘my soul’, then you are attempting to contain the essence that exists within the seed… you might answer that question ‘where does the seed come from?’
– (D.) Or where it is contained!
– It’s contained within the shell of protection until it has the opportunity to expand…
– (D.) Why are those forty days after one’s death considered so important in our religion?
– Where did Jesus Christ go for forty days?
Didn’t He spend forty days on the Mountain fasting? Something like that? Until He could find His essence?
So religion has adopted this, it originates from Religion, not from anything deeper than that…
– (D.) What was the meaning of the Sacrifice of Jesus?
He was teaching what You are teaching: Love, Forgiveness, Sacrifice, Seek of Light
– You had to have been alive at that moment or be alive at that time to know the level of illusion that existed within the human mind and why they needed such an impression from a strong Source!
Jesus Christ was a very strong Source of Truth and, also, a type of magician, you could say!
– (D.) What about nowadays? Is His sacrifice affecting us?
– What was the sacrifice? What did He sacrifice?
– (D.) His life! He came with a mission, a purpose, right?
What was it? To free us from karma, to erase it so that we see the Light?
– To bring Light of Truth into the minds of the ignorant!
– (D.) Is He a part of the Delphic Motion?
– As He is part of everything!
– (D.) Given our Free Will, how can the outcome of this Endeavor be already known?
– Each person is replaceable!
– (D.) Which means what?
– That it’s a matter of the Co-operation of Will as well!
You don’t have to co-operate if you don’t want to, you can choose not to co-operate; and each member does this by the choices they make!
This is why you might imagine that somebody is being pushed out; actually, they are stepping out by the choices that they make: you can’t go north and south at the same time, can you?!
– (D.) But You said that we are fuelling our own movement – doesn’t that contradict co-operation? Where is the line drawn?
– As you fuel your own movement, you, energetically, create space or create an opportunity for others to move along with you!
If a strong wind blows, anything that is light can be picked up and carried along with it – like this…
As you fuel your own movement, in your tail wind, you allow or you give the opportunity for others to move along with you, you see…
This is why the more one individual is focused on their evolution, as a matter of spiritual essence, to get closer and closer to the Truth, becomes a type of magnetic force for others; you don’t, necessarily, need to go and stand on the corner and preach! Energetically, you can bring others along with you!
Now, Co-operation is a matter of Choice as well!
Do you want to co-operate with the educational process that you are handed to teach the children? Or do you adjust it to serve your own purpose as you imagine yourself as a teacher or educator?
You see? It’s your choice how much you want to co-operate!
Life is a journey!
And at one point the journey is over and you get out of the form; you step off the train, the bus, the car, the bike – you step out!

– (D.) Going through others’ readings I’ve found much advice You have given us which we haven’t followed – how much does this affect the Project?
– There’s always an initial enthusiasm for participation from anyone, in almost any position any new relationship, for instance; the participants attempt to show their best faces, attempt to co-operate, to sacrifice in order to get close to the other…
As time goes on, each person falls into their old patterns, as usual and must come to terms or some type of resolution with what they want, their own will…
We only illuminate the Path; We don’t put you on the path or push you along!
You choose! We have no expectation of anyone specific!
– (D.) How feasible is it for us humans to digest all those past lives, clear them out and move on? Can any human do that?!
– It’s how you attempt to do it; always it’s appropriate to do it in a playful manner
If you take it too seriously, you might cement or structurize the past life that you are viewing around your present self…
Imagine that you are watching a film about a woman in a mental institution…
After the film you start to believe you are the woman, and you start to act like her, feel like her, isn’t this an error?!
This is the error in viewing past lives: to identify too much with that experience!
The logic behind looking at past lives is to see the correlation in the present, to be aware of that association in the future so you don’t behave or make choices unconsciously because of that influence! You might witness a part of the self – the emotional body or the mind moving in a direction from that influence of a past life and you don’t choose that because you are conscious that this is not your present reality…
We don’t dwell on past lives, We don’t force-feed; We give a few and then We let it go – unless it’s important to know…
You happened to have uncovered many because of curiosity; and you know, at times, out of curiosity you look and then you close the box – you don’t go any farther… sometimes, you know, curiosity is very superficial, it’s not something that takes you somewhere deeper! And it’s an error to take one step for curiosity, and to keep going – you, simply, take a peek…
– (D.) I need some type of physical exercise and I can’t find which it is! What about Tai Chi?
– Walking
Tai Chi is not, necessarily, such a physical exercise; walking is very positive!
If you begin with a half-hour a day, then you just walk with the right shoes without a destination; you just go out of your door and start walking around the town… it’s not a big deal, you know; you just walk at a pace that allows you to be in your own head and then you will see the benefits: how the head can be cleared through walking, how things are resolved when you are talking inside your own head… like that…