Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


Opening Ceremony
We’re greeting each one of you…
We will be working on your physical forms at the spring at Delphi…
When We finish here and when you leave, that will be your first stop before you go to the Site…
We’d like you to go to the Museum first, find something that catches your eye, that draws you in; you are going to become one with that relic – We will be clearing your forms before you go there to make it easier…
So you find something, you stand in front of it and you internalize that item: you bring it into your form, you put it in your mind with your imagination…
After that you will go to the Site and you will manifest that form on the Site…
If you’re lucky, you might find the place where that relic was discovered or where it stood…
Then you

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Delos Island

You’ve come here to take energy, We will tell you…
and be prepared to receive… 
the easiest way to receive sοmething is to turn-off your minds… to pause the thoughts… 
so the first instruction is when you’re walking, We want you when your mind is leading you off of the Site, to just say ‘stop’ – you will be communicating with your own minds today… you are going to learn to stop the mind… 
you can’t be a Channel if your mind is not closed… in order to open the door for inspiration to come through, you must close the door of the small mind, let’s call it: the thoughts, the worries, concerns
We told you last evening that this is a very powerful Site for oracles… and oracles are always a bit mysterious… you must use your mind in order to interpret an oracle…

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