Life is full of opportunities…
as you move towards a goal, the Universe offers many small chances to prove to yourself, and to the forces that be, that this is, really, the direction you hope to move in… there is always a great deal of co-operation within the universal Force of Life; it’s all about becoming a very good player!
And as you become more aware, more conscious of the Self, of the needs of the Self, the methods in which one tricks themselves up, you learn how to play better this game of life… of course, there is always losses… and opportunities to win… maybe you, just, win a bit more time in the same position before there is a requirement to move…
You may begin!
– (D.) It’s a National Holiday today for Greece; I wonder if You’d like to make a comment about the situation of my country today…
– It was an important day historically!
Very few Greeks are patriotic at the moment! Most people are occupied with their own challenges, with their own situations… very few see this day as an opportunity to think about their country!
Now this country is not in the best position, you could say, in the European Union: the intention to imitate, in a way, the United States has not been such a successful endeavor for Europe! Many of the smaller countries are picking up the slack or coming in last or taking the fall for the bigger countries; and Greece isn’t an exception!
This country is dependent on the others in order to fuel the economy; being a country that bases its financial game on the tourist industry, puts it at a disadvantage during times of financial crisis in all those countries who call themselves well-off…
And Greece will suffer!
There’s always a group that’s working towards disturbing the peace of the citizens… unfortunately, they are taking power from outside of this country…
How do you see Greece? There is trouble on the horizon, you know!
– (D.) I feel we, Greeks, haven’t honoured our heritage, our legacy!
– Most people are not conscious or considerate of this term honour which you say! Is the typical relationship of a parent-child honorable?!
Do parents honor the desires and needs of their children?!
Or do they push them in a direction that they believe is beneficial?
– (D.) In their minds, I guess they think they are doing the right thing, what is best for their children…
– And do the children honour what their parents have learned through their lives?!
– (D.) They say that ‘Experience is the best teacher’, right?
– There is a difficulty faced by most humans during these times of Transformation! It’s necessary to transform one’s personal reality; and the outside forces push Transformation on those who are not moving from the inside out… those who are not conscious of the need of, almost, forced from the outside! Even persons who are conscious have to deal with the outside pressures…
The Earth and the energetic field above the Earth are meeting: there is a union of energy, there is an accumulation of force and the human is the one that must deal with that pressure! This, of course, will accelerate in the next few years! 2012 will show a release; there will be a big pop and the pressure will be released…
– (D.) What urged, what instigated the Greeks of that time, 1821, to move more consciously, more united towards their Independence?
– They were ‘at the end of their rope’; they didn’t have any other choice, you know! When there’s a huge crisis, people must join together, people must come in, must find some way to harmonize their needs! There was an honest Admittance of Intolerance: they couldn’t go forward in the same condition; they had to change! And in order to change, they needed to unite to elicit a change!
Sometimes, you have no other choice but to join forces with others…
Sometimes, you have no other choice but to join forces with others…
– (D.) Do I detect a similarity of that age with this one?
– It’s moving in that direction…
At the moment, the typical citizen is, still, too self-centered… there, still, exists, too much self-centeredness within the society… there’s an understanding or suspicion that the challenges are growing… but the typical citizen is, still, struggling within their own circle… not opening the circle in order to align with others… there’s, still, a great deal of disbelief that the situation isn’t as serious as it appears… there’s an apathy, also!
– (D.) There’s a voting campaign on TV about the Ten Great Greeks: what is their common characteristic? What does it take to be Greek? What does it mean to be Greek?
– This is something personal!
You might inquire in your own students: ‘What does it mean to be Greek?’ ‘Is there such thing as Pride within the Nation? ‘And where does it originate from?’
– (D.) From the past, of course! We have nothing to be proud of in our country nowadays…
– You can’t take credit for the past; this is not rational! You can’t take credit or pride in somebody else’s creation – you can only admire it…
– (D.) So there’s not one common characteristic…
– If you had to list the common characteristics of the present-day, middle-aged Greek, how would you describe them?
– (D.) I don’t even dare go there…
– You see, you wouldn’t feel proud to align yourself with the typical;
it’s probably more beneficial to compare yourself to the typical human being at the moment…
You see, the whole goal of the European Union was not only to unite the citizens through common currency, but to unite them as a landmass, to come into a competitive field with the USA…
There are big powers that are playing out; and it’s very competitive… the common citizen has no idea what is, really, happening in the system of banking, currency – this is where the games are being played!
This is behind closed doors where the gambling is happening; you can’t get to that table unless you have a lot of money! It’s a gamble; it’s a card game, you could say, and there’s a great deal of transfer of funds as there isn’t any card game: Win and lose every hand that is being played…
and the common citizen is being represented by those who are sitting at that table… but those individuals are not being identified; no-one knows exactly where to point the finger, only at the representatives of the countries…
and even then, you can’t put the blame because they have so many others who are around them, under them…
It’s a nasty, greedy situation: World Affairs!
Greece is a tiny, little dot on the map!
Greece, really, has no power; it’s not represented at that table, you know! And Greece can become a pawn in the game – this is the unfortunate truth…
(D.) Are forces outside the earth playing in this Game of Power?
– No! No! The forces outside of the earth are responsible for the pressure: that the forces of this pressure are meeting the earth… but this is a human game of Greed and Power!
– (D.) It’s only us to blame then…
– Why blame…
– (D.) When there’s suffering, I’m always trying to find out who’s to blame…
– Has there ever been a time on the earth when there wasn’t suffering?! And unfortunately, in life Suffering is a tool of Learning…
– (D.) Given our tours around the earth for numerous lives, how much Greek are we, really?!
– There’s some type of idealistic attitude towards being Greek… the truth is being upon the Greek soil is the true power…
What is Greek?
The country, the energy in the land, in those power Sites: this is Greek! This is what you might view as something Greek, because if there was a greatness of spirit that created the Art etc, it enters into the land…
And in order to access that, you don’t have to be born from Greek loins; you only have to have a certain attitude of Reverence for Power! It doesn’t, necessarily, have anything to do with the past! It has more to do with the present – and with the ability to align with humbleness with Power…
The Earth is a magnificent jewel; and, energetically, on this small dot on the earth, there’s a great deal of benefit in reflecting those jewels that can be extracted or enticed to come up from the earth…
– (D.) I was watching a documentary about Th. Kolokotronis and, as always, I burst into tears and it made me wonder, once again: what differentiates heroes from killers? When is killing justified?
– That’s a very spiritual question!
It’s not justified – from the perspective of spirit, it’s not justified… from the human perspective, if you’re protecting yourself from being harmed, then you’re justified to harm…
It’s not justified – from the perspective of spirit, it’s not justified… from the human perspective, if you’re protecting yourself from being harmed, then you’re justified to harm…
But if you view the scene from the aspect of karma, you are never justified to harm; you’d better stay out of the harmer’s way, you see…
Now the Greeks needed to be oppressed during that long period of takeover, they needed to have their attitude redirected towards more co-operation, towards more realization of where they’re, actually, standing… what the real value is…
It’s not, necessarily, in the body as much as it is in the body of the earth: the country is what inspired the great historical glory, the country is what’s worth maintaining…
And as the citizens move in many different directions towards their own self-satisfaction or gain, they are not joining together in order to protect or preserve the land that they stand on – that’s the movement towards the true ‘what it means to be Greek’: to preserve your own ‘what’s valuable’…
Now the whole idea of ‘heroes in war’ is something of a game that is played out within humanity…
– (D.) And what was the role of the game of creating heroes?
– Somehow to bring the focus of the participants onto one point of the flow, as a point of focus…
– (D.) I’d like Your comment on Pride and Dignity…
– Dignity has more to do with Action – you move in a dignified manner…
Pride, you could say, is a condition of being – it means that you honor your own position without, necessarily, being proud of it! You don’t take so much a personal responsibility or you don’t identify with the condition, singularly…
Pride has more the aspect of Possessiveness than Dignity, it is more personalized…
Dignity is having more humbleness…
– (D.) What happens when the soul leaves the body? What are the lessons? And who is giving those lessons?
– There are many choices involved…
there’s an accumulation of expectation from the life lived: how the death will play out… what type of drama will accompany one’s death…
many persons expect to meet departed loved ones; so they will – whether it’s the actual energy field of the loved one or not: it might be an impersonator, you know… just to assist them through the threshold of the Death…
there’s, always, a crew who are working, energetically, to assist those who are moving through the dimensions…
and that crew performs in whichever way necessary, whichever the expectations were of the person who passes over – whether they are conscious or unconscious…
The expectations, the dreams, the desires are manifested at the moment of transfer; from then on out, there are many different choices or opportunities for evolution…
The typical person gets a bit lost, initially: this is the result of the Fear that exists within the human mind concerning this transfer with death…
and this ‘loss’ can be manifested in many ways: a type of nightmare or a dream you can’t awaken – these types of sensations… a loss of consciousness… generally, a sensation of disconnection… everyone has focused in their dreams…
A general statement: everyone has died in their dreams, more than once! Everyone has the experience of what it feels like to die during the dream state… it’s quite similar; eventually, the parting soul comes into a unification with the entity… comes together with a conscious review of the life lived… Now, the individual might even be falling asleep during that unification, dosing off – not because they are not so interested; they are not able to stay focused, they’re losing the track…
Have you ever been in a classroom or watching a film and fallen asleep?
– (D.) Not really, but I understand what You mean…
– Losing the flow of the… generally speaking all this, of course, as each person individualizes their death just as they individualized their life…
– (D.) What is the Essence?
– The spirit!
The Essence might be described as the Inspiration of the Spirit: always present, always, somehow, able to be accessed…
maybe, at times, during the life, you need more attention, more direct effort to align with the Essence… and other times, it, just, pops up on its own!
The inspiration to be alive, to keep going, to stay in the flow of creativity in life whenever life seems to become too predictable, is the time to turn one’s attention towards the essence of the Experience…
You could, also, view it as the lesson that’s contained within any experience – that would be the essence of the experience: why was the experience valuable… forgetting all the details… and going right to the point…
– (D.) And where do the seeds come from?
– From your own desires… from your own association with your entity…
The entity and the individual work together to form the life!
The entity gives you the bag of seeds and you go into your life and decide where to plant them…
which ones to tend to…
which ones, simply, to throw…
which ones perhaps even not to allow to grow…
which ones that you plant and then you pull them out because they won’t, really, bear fruit seeds… or you wouldn’t want to eat the fruit from those seeds… there is, you could say, Good and Bad at this point…
– (D.) And who or what decides or determines when a seed to become a tree?
– You have the seed; you plant it!
If you want it to become a tree, then you take care of it, you tend to it, you choose to plant it in the right environment, in the right atmosphere, with the right soil, the right conditions…
The essence exists within the seed itself!
The individual, of course, has free will: you can keep those seeds in your bag for your whole life and never do anything with them; and go back to your entity and hand back the bag of seeds…
And, then, the next life will have the responsibility to carry those seeds – the seeds of evolution…
– (D.) And who determines whether it becomes a tree?
– You know you can plant a seed and allow Nature to – if you plant it in the right place – take care of it… you might elicit a number of others to take care of that seed – this topic is quite expensive…
– (D.) But now it’s becoming clearer in my mind…
– Many things can happen!
You have responsibility combined with free will; you can do whatever you want in life considering your status or where you stand according to the initial choices that you’ve made: where to be born, what sex you are, in what condition you are born… they, also, affect the choices that you have…
You have Free Will; but you might not have the same choices as another…
– (D.) Is creating a School necessary?
– What’s necessary is for this Channel (Jayne) to have support, to have energetic support from those of you who are close…
The School itself is developing…
You see, the chance to put out a volume: the book will come first, in other words – this is what would get the students interested in the curriculum… by putting together the volume, the curriculum starts to appear inside your own mind… you have the power to structure the curriculum because you are the teacher, you’re the one who’s familiar with this…
Do you agree?
– (D.) I wonder why I can’t quite picture it inside me; it’s something vague…
– You haven’t reached your destination, you see…
It’s vague because it’s, still, in the future! It’s not coming clear; it’s, still, far in the distance… you can see it, but you haven’t got there yet…
Now the participants are preparing themselves…
And the death of your father is significant… as is the death of J.’s father – this will happen before! Do you understand?
– (D.) ……………….
– You passed through this portal of losing your father… she has to pass through it as well before she will be together enough to go forward…
– (D.) Can You comment on the significance of losing our Dads?
– Being released from the karmic bond, first if all…
There is a release of expectation, there is a release of attitude – you’ve felt this… your attitude changed towards your father: you don’t make the same steps with the same attitude!
There’s, always, an attitudinal relation with the parents…
And when the parent moves, the web is altered – this area that the father was standing on… the weight of his presence on your web has been lightened, he left this dimension…
If there’s something blocking the light, when it’s released, the light comes in, you see… if there’s a big tree outside the window of your home, if you cut it down, it’s like you’re in a new home, correct?
– (D.) Yes…
– Because every instant is different inside the space…
Now this is what happens when the parent is released from the responsibility of being present in the life of the child…
– (D.) At times, I even forget that he’s gone; how normal is that?!
– He’s not gone!
These years you’ve been working to resolve your relationship with him through every relationship with a member of the opposite sex – you’ve done a great deal of resolution in that area…
And he’s not gone; but you’re free, you see… you feel that…
– (D.) I’m not crying that much anymore and it’s only been three months…
– There’s an end to the well of tears, there’s an end to the grief or to the emotional – tears are the emotional…
And when you get them out, then it leaves space for new thoughts about the relation… what existed between you and him… what was the nature of the relating… how you were affected…
And you’ve altered your thought processes now; the tears are emotional… and it comes and it goes…
Grief takes about nine months to a year; just as the newborn spends nine months in the womb, the grief takes about nine months in order to be completely processed or delivered to the truth: that he no longer walks on the earth, he’s no longer present…
For the first nine months after the death, you might lose track whether he’s here or he’s there…
– (D.) My sister and I are coming even closer after his death…
– This is typical; this is what happens when somebody leaves: the clan comes closer… there’s always Forgiveness….
You’ve both been released from the connection with him, but you, still, stand on the web of the other… and you can re-evaluate how you stand with each other, you can change the way that you relate…
It’s the perfect time to reinvent a relationship with another member of the family when there’s a death!
Have in mind that you’re taking a position of counselor to the leader – very important for you to hold this position, this is the position you have alongside of Jayne, you know…
– (D.) Ok!
I’d like to ask how the creation of a family is causing problems to the Cause of Enlightenment…
– Children can become the biggest obstacle because the individual focuses more on the child, projects onto the child their own dreams, desires etc…
One reason to make a child is to understand that all children require the same amount of attention and love and support!
– (D.) Of course!
– So one of the main reasons for having a child is to overcome one’s own selfishness…
– (D.) You mean we bear children because of selfishness?
– Don’t you notice that many people make children because they want to have their own image or they want to prove something?!
– (D.) Is divorce the solution to all bad marriages?
– Better not to get married, in the first place! Better to sign a contract as parents of the child and agree to parent the child…
– (D.) What’s the difference?
– The marriage is something created by the Church, by Religion…
– (D.) Meaning?
– To keep two people focused on the same: marriage without spirituality; it’s almost always doomed!
– (D.) So is that the secret for a good marriage, for a good relationship?
– To know what your destination is, yes…
to know that the destination does not, necessarily, contain or mean that you will be with the other person… the destination is back to the creator or in the direction of the divine…
– (D.) How can we tell crystal children apart? They are not all crystal, are they?
– No! You can’t really tell them apart until they grow up – they can tell you themselves! You can ask them there… this is a whole reading on its own!
– (D.) Something about relationships: if we, somehow, have been through all kinds of relationships, which is the prevalent characteristic that changes one relationship to another kind?!
– The need in the moment!
Each individual is unique; it has to do with the character of those involved…
– (D.) Many choices of ours are not conscious, right?
– Correct!
– (D.) So what’s creating those unconscious choices? How can we become more conscious?
– Evolution! Awareness!
– (D.) I had a dream the other day…
I was at school and I found a huge chunk of bread in the cooker; so I cleaned it from the flour it was covered in and cut it into pieces and offered it in big baskets to my colleagues…
– How do you interpret it?
– (D.) Something I know and I should share with them…
in Greek there’s the word αντίδωρον (holy bread) – what the priest gives to the Orthodox congregation at the end of the mass as a gift… it looked just like that, but it was a huge one!
– It represents your power to give out what you have been gathering… to share your wealth of wisdom… ‘to feed the hungry’, you see…
Very significant dream as your colleagues are teachers; and this is a type of prophetic dream that you can teach the teachers, you can educate the teachers…
– (D.) But if I’m, still, in the process of Enlightenment, and after every reading I feel I start from scratch, how can I teach teachers?!
– That’s the best position to be in!
You don’t know everything: always with the expectancy of learning something else even as you teach what you’ve already learned!
– (D.) Of course! I’ve always felt a student, actually…
– This is what makes you the best teacher!
– (D.) Why did Jesus Christ and Alexander the Great die so young?
And they both died at the age of thirty-three – is this significant?
– We don’t want to comment on that, but know that it was not considered young at that period of time! It wasn’t uncommon, in other words…
– (D.) But they could have offered so much more had they lived longer!
– You can only feed so much; and then you have to move on to another dining room… you can only feed the audience so much; and then they have to move themselves…
They couldn’t give any more because those on the receiving end couldn’t receive any more…
– (D.) I want to stop comparing myself all the time – consciously or unconsciously… I’ve realized I’m doing it and I don’t like it and it’s not helping me either – is there a trick?
– Just know that you’re doing it – that’s the trick… seeing the foolishness of doing it… you know that each person is unique!
– (D.) Of course!
– And that you limit one student by comparing them to another… don’t limit yourself!
– (D.) Ok! Thank You so much!
– Certainly!