Reclaim Your Roots
Not such a big group but big enough…
It’s your responsibility now to look after your city; how can you do that?
With your thoughts: you can bless the earth, you can be thankful for what you have and you can stop complaining, you can stop making excuses… This is one life, one! What are you going to do with it? Don’t go down with the ship, don’t allow the Media to choose your paths… Many of you have had experiences with this Source, many of you continue to participate, many of you have gone your own way, many of you have yet to arrive… but you’re all moving, there’s Energy moving through each of you – nobody is left out… everyone has a role to play in life… most of you play many roles: mother, father, lover, friend, businessman / businesswoman…
What do you want from us? Speak up! This is a symposium; it’s not a lecture…
We encourage you to reclaim your roots… you have no idea how deeply rooted is this Land – Greece… how deeply rooted in harmony, peace, how much you can get if you give away your misery… give it to the earth; she will transform it…
And you might wait until you die and then you will give her your body, of course, and she will transform it into good soil… you can start today to have a more harmonious relationship with Mother Earth… you must know that the Earth has very little to do with modern technology or with the advancement of technology… If you spend one hour a day with your computer, you’d better spend half an hour a day communicating with the earth… not just eating her food… of course, bless the food before you eat it, bless the earth, thank the earth… You don’t want to lose your opportunity to communicate, do you? Do you want to stop talking? Do you want to stop feeling? Do you want to stop being human?
Certainly anyone who acknowledges that they’re on a spiritual path may have asked once or twice to get out of the human condition… it’s not that easy… Once you make a commitment to work or strive for Enlightenment, this is the only place that you can have success; you don’t die and then become enlightened… if you die unenlightened, you’re coming back… it has to happen on your spiritual paths… each of your lives is your so—called spiritual paths… even if you haven’t chosen to look in that direction, that direction is looking at you… or calling you… all of you have had experiences of feeling that you’re being called to do sth… that you’re wanted by that experience…
Now we ask you again: what do you want? Who can stand up and say sth they want?
– (El.) You’ve already done so much… by participating in the ceremonies at the Sites, I’ve felt empowered and armed against what’s been happening all this time in our country so I hope they continue… I know there’s power in numbers so the more people gather, the better for this country…
– It’s the earth and the association that the Ancient ones had with the earth here…
– (El.) I want to thank you for all the improvement I’ve experienced in my life…
– We didn’t come here for thanks, you see… we came here to give gifts… but you have to know what you want in order to receive it fully… Nobody wants anything, eh?
– (…) Is there a karma this country has to pay or a responsibility to our ancient history? What does this crisis mean for the people? What went wrong?
– This (mind) took over and you lost this (heart) and you forgot this (will)… You don’t have to believe that you should pay sth because life really doesn’t cost anything… It’s not just Greece; it’s the technological race that’s causing the so-called crisis… you can pay your respects to the Ancient Sites, you can honour the Gods and Goddesses that still hover in and around these Sites… one thing that the Modern Greeks did right was not to clean up the Sites… leave them in ruins… it’s your responsibility to awake the spirits there… if you go to the Sites with reverence – you know the citizens of this country don’t even have reverence in churches… even the churches are losing their energy because of that… who goes to the church and get down on their knees and pray to God in Greece? Maybe some of you do; bravo, you’re doing the good thing…
if you can remember the ancient history that they teach in school, you might understand what types of ceremonies were occurring on those Sites… The Power is still in the Earth! How did it get there? Through the association of the humans in ceremonies; simple! Do it enough times and it works! You’re the ones that bring the spirits to the earth, you know… everyone has an entity – you might call that your Higher Self, your Angels, your Cosmic Consciousness… that’s what we call it, that’s what Enlightenment is…
– (…) I’ve encountered many times the monster I call ‘science’ and I feel it’s hunting us…
– It’s human…
– (…) I know we created it… I’m asking how we humans on our spiritual path can protect ourselves from the overstimulation of the mind which drives us away from our path…
– Balance… why not live without electricity for a few days? You would need 3-4 or more days – depending on your imbalance, to get back to the sun and the moon, to get back as one with the moon cycle… the electric lights are a big hazard to the human… they give you the opportunity to stay awake all night and look at another technological wonder (computer)… if you don’t have that, you may go outside and look at the moon… and this will eventually put you back into harmony… but you actually need 3-4 months maybe, at least one cycle of the moon without night lights…
– (…) Is the problem electricity, in general, or electric lights?
– What does everyone talk about in the spirituality?
The light – the love, it’s the light that alters your chemistry, it alters the science of your bodies… and everyone pays for that… and, of course, now they want you to pay more for the electricity because they know everyone is addicted to it…
Cell phones – another technological wonder – are also very dangerous to the head, take care; don’t take it lightly… you see the mind wants to believe it’s omnipotent so it gives you a lot of information that might not necessarily be to your benefit…
If you don’t know us, you might not try anything that we suggest… But we don’t give away power; we give you the key and you have to find the door… we also give you the path but you have to walk it; we can’t carry anybody… actually we can but we don’t really want… You people are blessed, you’re in Greece…
Ok, who wants sth? Who has the courage to ask for sth?
(…) How can I bring balance to my solar plexus?
– Breath… use some of those breathing techniques – start searching for some… you’re in good shape anyway… you want always to make the right choices and decisions so you go to your solar plexus to find the answers… when you need to make a decision, don’t keep it up here (mind) but keep it down here…
– (…) How do you see Greece in the years to come?
– Beautiful… Greece is a jewel…
Did you all come here to take orders? We were saving that for the end but we can start now… then nobody wants anything…
– (…) How can I accomplish my goal which is sharing my art with people?
– Be very conscious when you’re creating your art… understand what you’re actually putting out of you – maybe it’s inedible, maybe some of your expressions are not savory to the people… do you have a ceremony you do before you create sth to clear yourself?
– (…) I’m doing some exercises to open my heart…
– Do you clean your energy field first?
– (…) Not always…
– Do it with the consciousness that you’re clearing off any negativity, any incompletion in yourself… use often the affirmation ‘I’m ready to serve’, write it, sing it; the spirit likes music, you know…
– (T.) Lately I’m having this fear of a big earthquake here in Thessaloniki so I wake up with every small sound I hear; can you help me get rid of it?
– Why are you surrendering to fear, T.? Come up here now…
You’re not afraid to die, are you?
– (T.) I’m not afraid of dying; it’s the how I’m afraid of…
– It’s just another soap opera… you like drama and you’re very creative; why don’t you create a fairyland, sth sweet for yourself? Why don’t you imagine the fairies that fly around the plants and the trees and the flowers… you’re impatient, you can’t wait, you want it to happen fast rather than enjoy the ride; this is your life, T….
you won’t have an earthquake here… you must bless and protect this Land… it’s your responsibility all of you citizens… if you bless the city or whenever you bless the city, we will be blessing you… You see, we had to give a gift – nobody asked for anything so we had to make sth up…
– (A.) I surrender to grief very easily, whatever is happening on the outside affects me instantly and I cry a lot and I feel sad all the time…
– Do you feel sorry for yourself? Do you cry? Cry more, wail, don’t stop at sadness, push it out… what are you seeing outside your widow that makes you sad? Or is it what you’re hearing?
– (A.) Everything from animals to nature to people…
– When you wake up in the morning, go to the mirror and smile at yourself; can you smile every time you feel sad? And look up… try it… smile a lot… start taking photographs out of magazines and newspapers where people are smiling and make yourself a collage and hang it across from where you’re sleeping… you need to take happiness from people…
Now everyone in the room smile… and you, A., wake up from your chair and look at all these people who are smiling…
– (…) My life has changed drastically in the past few years and this has given me the chance to look more inside trying to find sth more spiritual but no matter what I’ve experienced, I don’t see happiness or optimism in my life; I need a new beginning, joy…
– … Satisfaction… you never will… all of the religions, spirituality, spiritual paths are like a shovel which help you to dig out your heart to find the joy – it’s inside under all the sadness, under all the anger and frustration… and you have to keep digging… don’t give up… look around always to feel your impulse, what you want to do… you know, sometimes a motion picture can give you a greater experience of spirituality than a lecture with a Channel… a lot of creativity goes into film making, you know, and great deal of cooperation… but watch what you expose yourself to…
– (…) I’m feeling like I’ve lost all my strength and I’m getting tired of being strong all these years… I want my courage back to fight in life…
– No, close those, surrender… feel the energy of not caring… you don’t have to try so hard any more, it’s time to put your energy down to more peaceful levels… you will always care for the others but you could ask them to care for you; ask them politely to do sth for you rather than you doing for them… start with sth simple: ‘please bring me a drink’… it’s simple; you’re finished with that phase of your expression, you’re coming to more balance, you’re softening – you don’t like it so you struggle it… accept it and then see where it leads you…
you can’t really move effectively until you accept where you are… once you accept, then things will start changing even if you don’t like the condition in which you find yourselves in… rather than claiming to be sad, why don’t you make a little fun of yourself? And then you will start changing…
– (…) I’ve been visited by cancer – which I may have created, I don’t know – last year sth I saw as a gift to change the course of my life…
– This is the purpose of any imbalance created in the body: to reevaluate where you are, where you’re going, how you’re getting there, what you’re wearing…
– (…) This is sth I have realized and I need help with this new process…
– What do you want?
– (…) Live closer to nature, spend more time on my art and connect more with humans…
– Is it possible?
– (…) Yes…
– So why don’t you do it?
– (…) I need a bit of help to start this new way of life in all the aspects of my life…
– Change your appearance… start to clear out things from the past… remove some things familiar… rearrange your environment so that you can create a new energy flow… affirm often: ‘ I surrender to the new energy’… say it now…
– (…) Lately my mom got sick so I have taken full responsibility, from shopping to medicine, since my father’s attitude has changed completely – sth which has affected both my brother and me in the way we approach him; we feel anger and hostility towards him… still he’s our father… my personal life has been severely affected and I don’t know what to do…
– Take one day of the week off, just for yourself… and any time sb makes a demand from you on that day, first ask what you want to do, and you speak it: ‘I’d rather go for a walk’, ‘I’d rather take a nap’… the first week you just speak it, the next week do it… you have responsibilities but, surely, you can delegate some of them…
– (…) And after the day off?
– Keep working… life will change, for sure… it’s just temporary anyway… about the deception with your father is a big drama; why don’t you write it down in pencil, write down the facts and the write down how you feel about these facts… and burn it in metal if you don’t have a fireplace…
– (…) Will this bring change?
– Is that the gift you want? Do you want your life to change?
– (…) Yes… and laughter and happiness and a partner…
– You want a lot now…
We said earlier that things don’t change until you accept things as they are… the situation will change, don’t worry… wake up every day with a smile on your face…
everything that We said to all of you, everyone can do it; this is not a personal reading, this is a group…
– (…) Do you mean that if we surrender to the challenges of life, things will change?
– In a way… this is Life you’re experiencing… who said Life was always pleasant? Who has never suffered in their life? Anyone?
– (…) This is my first time here and I’d like to ask about 21st December 2012 and the change of energies; I feel confused…
– Everyone is confused… even those giving out the information… Live your life as if every day is your last and forget about the future…
this is one big problem with the mind: it leaves the room, it’s out of the room, it’s thinking about tomorrow or tonight or next week – difficult to get back to the moment…
This year is significant because of certain circles opening and other circles closing… the human being is faced with a challenge to evolve, to alter their energy fields in order to survive… you know that all creatures do that, don’t you? You’re not separate from the environment in which you live; you communicate with it… as that environment changes, you also must change… it’s been happening for years, to many…
the new humans coming to the Planet, the babies, are a lot different than the oldies… the science won’t reveal that until those babies are adults – and you don’t become an adult until the age 35… so those of you who are young, take it easy for a few more years, enjoy your childhood… because when you turn 35, you can talk to anyone who has already passed it… you notice the Big Change…
– (…) Earlier you said that once we accept a situation – regardless of how unpleasant it is, and smile, we affect its change; can we do sth about the pace of this change?
– This is individual… each person has their own pace… how they move, how they walk… that can give you an indication of how things can change…
– (…) I’m asking this because when we face difficulties, we want them to change quickly…
– ………………………
– (…) How can I keep the positive energy and not get affected by the negativity around me?
– Wherever you are, you can re-imagine you’re at the beach or under a tree or any place that frees your mind… whenever you feel stressed, you can ground yourself there with the simple grounding meditation…
– (…) I feel very tired lately…
– Who doesn’t feel that in the room? Raise your hand… who doesn’t feel great periods of exhaustion and other periods of energy moving very strong? Take it easy… when you’re feeling tired, rest without technological stimulation… lie down on the earth if possible to connect with the mother…
– (…) I have a strong intuition which other times saved me and others didn’t because I didn’t follow it; could I be causing this to myself? Is it my own creation?
– It is…it simply is… everyone has it… you can trust your intuition; you just don’t trust when it’s intuition and when it’s your mind… pay attention to your impulses because the intuition often works with the impulse – the first thing you feel about the person you meet before your minds tries to convince you to feel sth else… when you’re going somewhere and you have an impulse to turn but it’s not the right turn to make, turn… there’s sth waiting for you there – and this is for everyone…
intuition is an ability that has lost its position – the technological wonders have taken over… you don’t necessarily use your intuition for your benefit because you’ve forgotten that it’s a tool you threw in a drawer and you use the cell phone instead to call your friends rather than ‘call’ them to meet you somewhere… if they were paying attention to their own impulses and intuition, they would meet you there – not that difficult… how do you think the dolphins communicate? Not only with the sound but psychically…
– (…) I believe I can connect with love, light, spirit and this is what I’m asking as a gift: more clarity, more love…
– Then give more… and you will receive more… everybody wants sth…
– (…) After 20 years, my marriage is over and although my mind knows what I should be doing, my heart is stuck in the past; how can I achieve that?
– You need to do some physical activity… it’s important to see life as a big picture… nobody wants to see the same reel of film over and over again… you want to move to the next chapter… you can use some affirmations ‘I will live this chapter of my life as I please with courage and strength’… choose one of the goddesses to become your own personal guide… get to know about them as you would get to know a friend… and when you get up in the morning, this is your new companion – your husband is not any more so choose a goddess and see where she leads you, see how she affects your intuition and give her some attention… you might buy a little statue of her and put a little flower there, make some offers to her to bring her into your energy field for the new chapter… and maybe walk a little bit faster, work out a little bit more…
– (…) When does one leave their job and when do they keep it?
– Dress for success! Have in your mind that this will be a success… affirm ‘I discover successful solutions’… you’ll know it, you’ll feel it… you all know it in your gut when it’s time to close sth… but then the mind sets sth else… until one day when everything will change…
– (…) Will this crisis we’re going through end soon or is there more ahead of us?
– What do you think?
– (…) I feel optimistic inside but with everything that’s going on around me…
– Don’t pay any attention to it; it’s more a matter of thoughts than you all realize, what state of mind you keep yourself in… stay optimistic, don’t explore to find bad news – who really likes bad news? Some people do; do you know why? Most people have a little bit of satisfaction when sb else is going down… because they feel they’ve gone up a little…
– (…) I lost my brother some years ago and I’m wondering whether I could have some news from him…
– What do you want to say to him?
– (…) Actually I’d like to know how he’s doing as the way he died was somehow peculiar…
– He was the type of soldier-style and he wanted a more strict outline for his life so he’s basically in a type of training camp for soldiers; he wants to get really strong, Special Forces… he has a spiritual mission to claim some others who’ve lost their way… you can send him love, your blessings…
– (El.) We know that children nowadays are evolved with strange behaviors: imbalances, emotional irritation etc; how can parents help them in this process without allowing our own experiences get in their way?
– It’s important to know that the children are sometimes more grown-ups than adults… the younger, the wiser… after the age of 7-8, they start becoming mindful… be careful what you expose them to: your own expressions, how you talk when they’re present and you don’t think they’re listening, but they are… because they’re still absorbing from their parents between 7-13; after that, they cut-off a bit… the parents always want to protect their children… in the first 7 years, you protect their bodies… in the next 7 years, protect their minds what you allow to get in because they’re new-thinkers during those years and they take many things out of context… they reach different conclusions than you might have intended when you shared sth with them… no child between 7-13 should have heard this word: crisis… why don’t you take that word out of your vocabulary today? It’s not such a big crisis – not a tsunami… so you have less money in your pocket – you can feel lighter…
– (…) I believe the blessing process is one of the main themes of this gathering; could you explain what it means? In Greek ευλογώ means say sth good… also, what is the connection between blessing and gratitude?
– Most Christians are confused in believing that only priests can give blessings… most individuals ask for blessings from life, their situations… very few people realize that they can give blessings easily… you can ask Christ Energy to bless this man… you can ask the goddess Athena to bless Athens… you can ask any deity that you can imagine to give blessings to another – just don’t ask them to bless you…
Blessing is to pass to another… you bless the food and then you eat it… it’s a remedy for selfishness because every human being has selfishness… so you can all bless each other… Gratitude is what you have after you received the blessings… why don’t you start the blessings right now? Turn to the person sitting next to you and offer them your blessing and then you offer it to the next and the next and the next… say ‘God bless you’ and mean it when you say it… if you can’t give a blessing, you can get out and leave the room; we don’t mind… now we want to bless each and every one of you so take it, receive it and use it for your benefit…
We’d like to close with a meditation…
your feet flat on the ground and your hands open in a receptive form and your eyes closed… first, you will imagine a gold cord leaving from the bottom of your spine and going into the earth for 10 exhalations – this is for your grounding… now you can see a spiral counterclockwise that’s moving up from the earth, through your form and out from the top of your head… 5 breaths or more… so you’re sitting in a spiral… let your mind go…
and We greet you…