Certainly, We want to welcome each of you…
We have a lot in store today and tomorrow… of course, the first step is to make a give-away: We want you to stay on the bridge, it doesn’t matter how many are standing at the same time… you are going to feel the flow of water underneath and you’re going to allow it to carry to the sea whatever is no longer valuable to you in your lives… We want you to give away something from your minds today – whether it’s a train of thoughts or one thought, but something that has been nagging at your minds…
We are going to be touching a lot this weekend, We plan to do a lot of energy work and We have a big surprise for you as well: finally, We are going to reveal Ourselves, We are going to introduce Ourselves to you in hope that you might introduce yourselves to your personalities…
(while touching the physical forms) When you come, don’t put this stuff (styling products) on your hair; it’s ok when you’re going to work, when you want to block something from entering your head…
of course, the best heads are bald – don’t ever regret losing your hair…
women might like to wear their hair in one of those low buns during these Operations…
twisted hair here: wise woman, story-teller – that’s why she doesn’t speak so much, she knows when to talk and when to keep her mouth shut…
even hair spray blocks the flow…
but this is nice…
and this is even better, short…
but, of course, this is the best, shaved…
Now anyone puzzled about what they should be releasing?
– (Ch.) How can we invite our inner self to indicate what it is we should be leaving behind?
– It has to do with the thought processes, the thinking, what you think about all the time… what are you thinking about all the time?
– (Ch.) My work and my location in life…
– What is your most important work?! Or the job that you have…
– (Ch.) Well, it’s really my inner work…
– If you don’t know…
you see, you don’t really have to search for the inner self – it’s inside you… all you have to do is clear-up and let it come out… All you have to do, really, if you don’t know what to give away, you can give away whatever is blocking… you can say ‘I release whatever mind blocks exist’… We want you to stand with your legs open over at the spring, face the flow of the water, make your affirmation, allow the Energy to flow down through your last chakra and then open your eyes and see it in the water floating away down the sea…
and then We will be meeting you on the Site… you have time here, maybe 30 minutes… you can all stand on the bridge together… you can even imagine that statue in Rhodes, Colossus…
Ok? We will see you over there… anyway, We’re not going anywhere…
By the bridge
We suggest that you make the biggest effort this weekend to stay out of your minds…
when you’re communicating with another, you might ask yourselves ‘Is this my mind? Is my mind speaking?’…
Ch., you asked how to come in better contact with your inner self…
you might ask how to come in contact with the cosmic consciousness…
Go out of your minds… you know, if you’re dancing wildly, you’re out of your mind and that is the moment where you can take the clear message, that is the moment of a revelation – you’ve all experienced it… maybe not the wild dancing – although We would suggest it, if you never tried it, even if you have to do it alone in your room because you are so self-conscious…
but you’ve all had the experience of cosmic consciousness – We assure you…
Now We go to the Site, you enter, you can stroll around a little bit, for 30 minutes, and then you will meet and J. will point out the location when you arrive… after that you will be wandering around again…
At the Site of Knossos
‘Not to be revealed’