Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Update about Jayne & Delphinians

Well, I never succeeded in creating a physical center in Greece, but through all the travels, all the trials and tribulations, all the multiple sessions with our source I have managed to create that unmovable, indefinable center within myself. For this, I am grateful to each and every person who participated in this project of uncovering the sacredness of this wonderful land Hellas, and mostly I thank the land, the sea and the healing waters. Let us be blessed!
Thank you!
My personal path has gone full circle returning me to my birth land. Years ago the DELPHINIANS informed me that I had agreed to work on the East coast of the USA, so here I find myself as far south as I could dream, in beautiful, mystical Florida, Tampa Bay, home of the Tocobaga Native Americans….
And so the journey continues….

~ Jayne Claire ~…

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