Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Makrynitsa, Mt. Pelion

You must know We’re with you and you can communicate directly with Us…
of course, it’s easier to speak to you when your minds are sleeping…
you all know what the biggest cause of insomnia is: your thoughts, your thinking… when you sleep, what happens to your mind? It empties into your consciousness and it creates dreams – you are the creator of your dreams, you are the creator of your lives, this is your relationship with all that there is: gods, the Great Spirits…  whatever word you want to use to identify the Creative Principle, it’s your choice… whatever god you want to acknowledge, it’s your choice… but you should acknowledge a greater Force in your lives – it’s important…
sometimes in your life, in your daily existence, you feel as if you have no control… you are in a traffic jam and the person driving

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