Life, like any other subject, is not completely understood until it’s over!
This means that many passages, illnesses, relations are not, fully, comprehended, digested until you finish the circle of life…
Some clouds obscure all of the sun, you know, all of the beings of the sun, all of the sunshine when others, partially, obscure the light…
This is why the theme of Acceptance and Forgiveness are so major for any evolving spirit! At some point there are no questions – you, simply, accept life, you, simply, accept the meal that is being served, eat what you like or what you choose and leave the rest without any comment or any discussion of ‘why we are eating this today’, ‘What are the ingredients’ etc…
This is for energetic adjustments: this is why We are present!
Everything else We can discuss but We can’t, really, fix anything so that it’s easier to accept!
What do you think? What’s on your mind?
– (D.) What is the reason I’m alive nowadays?
– For the experience of living, of being alive – very simple! Learning to be present in the moment…
– (D.) Why does Living have so little to do with Happiness or so I think?
What is Happiness anyway?
– Reunion with the Source… condition of Oneness… state of Oneness with the Central Self… the Soul… God – this is True Contentment!
Everyday life is the ‘experience of being’ whether you’re being happy or being sad or being thoughtful or being empty – it’s a process of energy moving through you…
You know the fruitlessness of trying to push things in a direction that you think is appropriate or you think that will bring you happiness – it never really is successful, is it? For, that pushing goes against the flow…
– (D.) I want to ask about my dad – why he departed and where he is now…
– He had completed his mission here, you might say, he was complete…
he was knowing for some time that it was the right step to take, he hesitated and, finally, he let go; now, he is in a process of Evaluation at this moment…
He had some beliefs that he would be evaluated by others, he’s been having that experience: he has some points of misunderstanding in life and he is in the process of major review or in the process of reviewing his experiences, he’s changing his belief system…
You have influenced him by changing your own belief systems…
There is, always, a closeness between parent and child, and as one grows or evolves, the other is affected; so you can accept that you have affected him positively with your own quest for truth, for life… he was knowing that his body, his physical form was ready to surrender and he held on as long as possible, you know this…
– (D.) When You say I’ve influenced him, You mean unconsciously, right?
– Yes, of course! Just because of the closeness, energetically, one is affected by the other!
– (D.) He’s coming in my dreams quite often – is he trying to tell me something?
– No, he’s trying to get you to tell him something, actually: he’s looking towards you, energetically, for approval! When you see him, when you pray for him, give him your approval as if you are talking to one of your students…
– (D.) That he was a good dad?!
– That he is a good student, that he can understand the lesson!
You see, each dream is unique!
And if you decipher the quest that he is on, if you can understand from the dream, from his condition what he is looking to resolve or understand or learn, then you can, more easily, give him the correct information… you can interpret it as you go along always giving him your approval when you communicate with him in your own mind…
and just because somebody dies doesn’t mean that the communication stops; when you think of him, when you remember him, when you dream with him, then the communication continues or the exchange expands, grows…
– (D.) Both my sister and I have dreamt that he wasn’t, actually, dead, that he came home, that it was all a mistake – wishful thinking?
– We’ve just explained that, energetically, he’s not dead; he will never die in your world until you die! And this is the same for anyone else who has touched you deeply: you keep them alive with your own position, energetically, standing on the web…
– (D.) You’ve said that my relationships with men have contributed to resolving the relationship with my father…
– Don’t you agree?
– (D.) Yes, going back, seeing things in retrospective – is there still a lot to process?
– As much as you want! You see, there is no limit, you can take as much as you like…
– (D.) If men play the father-figures in a woman’s life, is it the same with women in a man’s life?
– Yes, certainly! Being born from the flesh and being raised in those small circles…
If you were raised in a tribe, things would be different; relations would be formed differently…
– (D.) You advise us to withdraw from a relationship that doesn’t satisfy our needs; I wonder: if we do that all the time, where does this end? When does this become a challenge and when a cowardice?
– You must understand why you got involved in the relationship in the first place, what your motivation was, what drove you or what inspired you to take that path rather than another, what was your need in the moment…
Withdrawing from a relationship allows more energy to enter between the two who are relating so that the relationship can be transformed; it doesn’t mean annihilating the other from your path…
– (D.) You, also, said that we shouldn’t have any expectations as they create problems but from where I stand ‘lack of expectation means lack of motivation’…
– In interpreting Our messages you must consider the moment: as the moment changes, the information changes or the manner of interpretation of the information changes… if you have a room and you have the sun bringing light into the room, you can’t be too absolute about exactly where it’s coming from or how to interpret it…
What does expectation mean to you anyway? What is an expectation?
– (D.) A wish… a hope… some needs to be fulfilled… talents… dreams… potential…
– And who can you have expectations from?
– (D.) Me… the ones around or close to me… those who I feel have the potential…
– Or from the Universe…
that if one person cannot give you the directions you need, somebody else will to assist you on your path of life… if you ask somebody in the street how to find the spring and they don’t know, you don’t stand there and insist that they find out for you, do you?! You move to the next, you expect that you will eventually find the help that you need…
That’s an expectation that works with you; to stay with the first individual who didn’t know is an expectation that works against you!
And if you become very wise, you will know who to ask; you will know by looking at this person that they won’t be able to give you the direction… you’ll know where to search…
You know, if you want to find information, you know where to search on your Internet, which site to search; you don’t go to a site that doesn’t have the information…
Having expectations from any specific person in any moment is, of course, selfish! First, you must see how that person is balancing themselves before you make any type of demand to satisfy your need…
– (D.) You have questioned the necessity of sex and yet You’ve pointed out that through it things become more obvious, more serious…
– If you review your own sexual experiences, you can see that they have accelerated certain movements that you’ve made towards self-realizations; it’s a means of acceleration then, you can see it like that…
– (D.) So it is necessary as it saves us time!
– For some persons it’s a need, for others, it’s an escape, for others, it’s a hobby, for others, it’s a miracle!
Sex is a method of expressing Love! It’s not the only way and it’s not always used to express love; it can be also used to express violent tendencies!
It’s a very big subject and there are no absolutes…
Sex is a sticky subject, you know! There’s an instinct that exists within the organism for procreation and this is a part of the sexual drive towards union, there’s an instinct towards becoming one…
You also come into the life to fulfill the desire, to be human, to taste humanity…
– (D.) You’ve repeatedly mentioned that in the New Earth there will be no fornicating, that we won’t need a father or a mother there, so what will procreation be like?
– Immaculate Conception!
– (D.) So it does exist?!
– It did exist!
– (D.)When?
– Before you can remember!
– (D.) Was that the way Jesus Christ was born?!
– No!
– (D.) Just a myth?!
– It was a memory, you could say…
– (D.) But why Him alone and not somebody else?!
– Because of His extremely advanced state – He was a superhuman, you might say…
– (D.) But they said it upon His birth, not afterwards!
– Are you sure?! When myths are created, the timeline is lost, isn’t it?
– (D.) If we can become intimate without sex, then where can people get pleasure from? Is Lust a sign of Incompletion?
– Why is it one of the Seven Deadly Sins?!
– (D.) Because of the lack of respect towards another human being?
– Considering that the other is present in order to satisfy your needs only!
– (D.) Lust – is the need for sex the same?
– Many women are different, you know; physically, the organisms are not the same… men have the responsibility to procreate, to do their share; the women have to carry the newborn so the men have to take some responsibility for continuing the race and their responsibility is to spread their seeds and this can be turned into lust…
Each person is unique and has their own lessons to master; without experience there’s a little chance of Self-mastering…
Sex is an issue for many persons – whether it’s a need, it’s an individual thing; the pleasure component is in emerging with another…
When you enter into a different form, the emotional form on the New Earth, the merging will take on different types of characteristics – it will still be pleasurable!
There won’t be such a great need for food either, you know: an emotional form will be inhabited; the physical form will be less dense! The denseness of the flesh is what causes this need for food, to satiate the senses…
Sex satiates the senses! The more that one indulges in heavy foods, the more they might feel irritated to go towards to feed their own lust…
It’s a very big subject and it’s not something that one should draw conclusions from – anything that We’ve said about sex…
– (D.) I’m gathering segments…
– Each person is unique, Sex is not a sin…
– (D.) Lust is…
– That’s what they say…
– (D.) What does it feel like to be in love? How can one recognize it?
– You might take a survey: ask ten persons how they recognize when they are in love… make your own experiment to see what they say – in this way you can get answers that might satisfy you more than We gave you an answer!
Many times it’s not something that you… you, simply, know that you love another person, it’s not anything that can be explained! You just know that you’re in love with this person from the viewpoint of the human organism: the organization of the human mind, emotion, body…
– (D.) How are Free Will and Fate intertwined in the Game of Life? How much is our creation?
– There is such a thing as destiny!
In order to reach your destination… in order to get here, J. had to go through various places, didn’t she? And so did you!
That’s the difference between one person’s destiny and another: to reach the destination, you must go in the right direction first and you must go through certain points before you can get there…
– (D.) So what we are not able to fulfill in one life…
– … then you come back! Certainly! You will bring it up in some other way, somehow it will tune in again; you tune in or you will tune it into your life, you create an outline of the life…
– (D.) Is Freedom loneliness? What about Companionship?
– When you embrace the Self fully, Freedom is not loneliness!
Loneliness is ‘not being alone’, loneliness starts from needing a reflection of others’; the farther along you go on your path, the less reflection that you need: you can reflect yourself!
– (D.) So it’s our creation and our payback as well!
Is the Project divided into phases?
– Yes! We won’t give numbers, of course!
Most of the initial development had to do with the Channel: her choices, her movement and her decisions; as the rest of you come in, then your choices, your movement and your decisions, also, play into the phases whether one Phase is complete or not…
– (D.) I gather each of our roles is important as well; if we don’t play our part well, then the play doesn’t go out well – it’s shared responsibility!
– If you want to judge things as good/ bad, yes, there is co-responsibility for bringing this Source into the Light – see it like that: how to bring this Source into the Light!
– (D.) So those of us who won’t make it in this life will come back next life to fulfill our contract…
– You will have a potential to do it if necessary!
– (D.) What do You mean ‘if necessary’?!
– If it’s needed!
– (D.) Because things might turn out otherwise, right?
– Of course! There are always other possibilities…
– (D.) You’ve pointed out in an Athens Group reading that some of us have certain obligations and others don’t – where is the line drawn?
– It has been a decision that was made before the life – a type of destiny, you might say, and some have more obligations than others…
– (D.) I see!
I want to ask about the Greeks! Why can’t they abide by the laws or regulations?
– Arrogance! There’s a great deal of arrogance and a great deal of this condescending behavior with each other…
– (D.) Where is it based on? Where does it come from?
– From parent to child!
– (D.) But we don’t have much to be proud of!
Modern Greeks haven’t created much worth mentioning! Are we standing on the past? We don’t even know what it means! And why is it that other people love and respect their country more?
– You’re asking the wrong Source!
You might ask generally! Ask your students to write an essay ‘why should we respect Greece?’ Ask them what they think, how they feel as citizens of this country, what types of respect they have learned in their upbringing – it has more to do with the upbringing…
– (D.) Which brings the next question: Hellas is the only country still experimenting on the Educational System – one after another without any fruitful results whatsoever; where should we, the ones inside it, start from?
– Perhaps ask your students how they feel they could be better educated! Give the students a voice!
– (D.) I’ve done it many times but I didn’t get that much of information – they seem passive, accepting what they receive, they want things to change but they are not that rebellious, they’d rather ‘go with the flow’…
– Occasionally, put a student in charge of the classroom and give them a notice of one week before to start preparing what they want to teach…
– (D.) They imitate us; sometimes they are worse than us following the examples we set…
– You might ask your students what makes them proud to be Greek!
What makes you proud to be Greek? What are you proud of, personally?
You might ask your friends…
– (D.) They seem so disappointed, exhausted of living here…
– Of struggling with the system…
– (D.) Can I ask about Jesus Christ again? He fought against the system…
He fascinates me just like so many others – why did He choose to be born in that area?
– That particular area had a central point that allowed Him to move in a circular manner…
– (D.) You mean something energetic? And all that’s going on there never ending?
– Why do you think?
Imbalance on the planet comes out there – a type of spring, an energy opening for imbalance to rise…
– (D.) Why didn’t His presence make a difference there? He has affected millions of people and yet at His birthplace people are being slaughtered every day!…
– How do you know what happened when He was there?
– (D.) We all assume things by reading, listening…
– ………………………………..
– (D.) Why is Number Twelve important?
– If you add one and two together, what do you get? If there are three aspects of God…
– (D.) I see… if all those Apostles were enlightened, then…
– … they were not enlightened! Who says they were enlightened?!
– (D.) The Holy Books… how did He choose them?!
– They chose themselves!
– (D.) I’m wondering how come and they wrote so different things?
– Different perspectives! Did Jayne choose you?!
– (D.) In some ways, yes! She told me she felt it when she saw me!
– But did she pursue you?
– (D.) No, of course not, it was mutual!
– But you came for the sessions! Did she ever push you to come closer?
Free Will until a certain point when the line was open so that J. could communicate with you!
Now We’d like to leave it at here for this day and We will see you again…
– (D.) Thank You very much!
– We greet you and, of course, We welcome you as always!