First, We’d like to greet Our hostess welcoming you once again, T.; you’ve never left this Circle…
We’d also want to welcome the old friends and the new…
We don’t have such great expectations because We understand that the minds are full of their own expectations…
One reason that you’re involved in this chaos is to sort out your mind, to decide what really matters, what is controlling your thoughts – or how you can wrestle your thoughts away from Matter and bring them back into balance…
You might imagine that in other times there was an easier existence; some of you may have experienced easier existence, some of you might remember that when life was simpler, when there wasn’t so much technology and so much pressure to perform and compete…
So you know there’s a race going on: who will dominate this world, who will control the resources of your…
you know the power is out of your hands; no one in this room is a great political figure – at least in this present life…
So what can you do? What would you like from life right now?
– (T.) Silence…
– Stop talking; use the element of silence in your relationship with others… when you have the response in your mind, pause before it reaches your mouth… you can imagine that it’s spiraling around your third eye; in this way you might not even have the same thought or the same response… in this way you might find the silence that you seek…
– (G.) Health…
– Make sure you filter your water and that you drink enough water, that you see it as an elixir of health; you can bless it before you drink it…
– (G.) I feel stressed…
– Whenever you feel yourself projecting into the future, think about the day before, try to remember something inconsequential e.g. what you had for breakfast, what you saw in a shop window…
play a trick with your mind, force it to go a day back… you can’t control the future but you do create the future with your thoughts and emotions and desires…
is there somebody specific you worry about?
is there somebody specific you worry about?
– (G.) My children…
– Bless them!
Christ is available for blessings, to bless others… so you can pray that they discover that spirit on their own… the children are here for their own specific reasons… each person is an individual, a part of a bigger and bigger circle…
– (D.) When I’m not feeling well, there comes an inner joy and I want to thank god for that and I’d like to expand that…
– Do you use your mind to imagine this expansion?
– (D.) I feel it’s more intuitive and I feel safe through this process…
– How do you share joy with others?
– (D.) I smile, I tease, I touch…
– What do you want?
– (D.) Safety, calmness…
– Don’t you want to share in a greater capacity what it is you’ve discovered? Don’t you want everyone to feel the way that you feel?
– (D.) Yes, when I feel it…
– You can use your mind…
when you’re feeling this satisfaction, you can imagine whatever circle that you see whether it’s a color or a group of humans, you can imagine it vibrating… in this way you can put the whole package together; you have resistance to trust that there might be something else…
– (…) I’d like to get rid of phobias about the working future… raising the kids, money, health…
– Transform them… have you lost your job?
What sensation does the fear produce in your body?
– (…) Stress...
– How do you release that?
– (…) I pray and try to avoid thinking…
– Faith… are you expecting to lose your job?
– (…) I don’t know…
– Do you believe in your own immortality?
– (…) I do…
– Do you believe in your immortality of your children?
– (…) I do too…
– What do you have to lose?
Name something you’re afraid to lose e.g. a car, a home…
– (…) My home, my image of my children towards me…
– So it’s pride you’re afraid to lose…
We don’t see that you have anything to worry about… so take more time for your faith and less time for your stress; you can choose what to think… most people can’t, but you can…
you can make a statement to your mind: I choose not to be stressed about this subject…
What is the biggest message that you can get from this chaos?
be grateful for whatever you happen to have…
one day it will go, you all know that somewhere in the back of your mind…
– (…) My desire is to improve myself every day and learn forgiveness totally… and avoid anger…
– You want the plug to be pulled out…
You can’t try; you can do it or not do it…
You can use your imagination to pull the plug out of the emotion…
Anger is a force; if you suppress it, it starts to build up pressure...
If you keep pressing it down, the pressure builds… perhaps you can choose one day a week when you allow yourself to release the anger, you give yourself the right to be angry about anything…
and you allow those memories to rise up in you…
you might break something…
you might burn something…
you might write down what makes you angry and then burn that…
you might destroy something, a piece of fabric…
you might throw something against the wall and break it…
each time you make that kind of expression, you forgive yourself; you deserve it, you’re human…
and the next day you go back to trying to do better; you’re already good…
– (…) I want to expand my consciousness and help the people around me…
– We have been giving 3 suggestions…
You can imagine light hitting the earth…
Many times the sunlight is hitting the earth or reaching the earth; you can use the sun as a tool, you can pray to the sun as well…
many times the humans in the quest for spirit, forget the actual source of light which is the sun – the light comes from an element of the sun…
You can ask Christ to bless others and you can ask for expansion of consciousness…
this is a matter of awareness, of your own movements through your life: what motivates you, what desires might still be lurking in your field…
Expansion of consciousness is a matter of self-realization: Know Thyself… always there’s something to discover if you’re still alive…
– (…) I’d like to have trust in my spirit…
– That’s very tricky because the spirit is generally very playful… dogmatic systems tend to be very serious…
Any time a dogma tries to grab a spirit, a cage is built around the spirit and then the spirit becomes captive…
and that captivity can affect the playfulness of the spirit…
you’re really playing with the universe here in life; it’s the universe playing tricks here to see if you’re really serious about what you think, what you feel, what you say you want or what you say you don’t want…
Spirit is always listening…
Many times it will ignore your requests or play a game with you, hide-and-seek…
You want something so the spirit will hide it in the room – so you have to be a detective in life to know the spirit, you have to be looking for the playful energy, you must watch your own dogma…
every mind has a dogma, every mind has beliefs circling around that trying to cage up the spirit of freedom…
– (…) For the past 3 years I’ve been feeling a pressure on the chest…
– You know that the heart is full of chambers…
You’ve closed some of those doors very tightly and this is the esoteric cause of this weight you feel…
– (…) Many times when I relax, I feel an itching on the third eye – is it blocked?
– Why don’t you ask for the message that’s being delivered?
If you feel an itching here, ask for a message… when you’re lying down, move that sensation into the heart and find the message…
– (…) How could I expand my intuition in order to get the right guidance?
– Practise…
Very simply, you can write down your intuition and write down what your mind is saying… if you practise enough, it’s about looking in your past to those intuitive messages you missed, that you remember receiving but you didn’t trust…
What do you want?
– (Gr.) To keep on knowing myself and be of service to the earth…
– Nobody wants freedom, eh?!
– (…) What is Freedom – can You specify?
– No… you’ll know it when you feel it…
You’re doing a good job, We’ll tell you, to know yourself…
To serve the earth is about realizing how you use the wealth that the earth offers…
What do you imagine is valuable to the earth herself?
And how do you use those?
How do you communicate with the earth?
How do you walk on the earth?
– (…) Are you referring to Freedom to leave this earth, this dimension, this mind?
– What’s the difference?!
You come to the earth to learn what freedom feels like, to experience the freedom of a balance between m and f sides… ask for it; it’s not how, just do it…
You ask and then the universe or the spirit will respond and then you have to deal with that, whatever it is – and don’t be surprised when that appears in your life…
The human being is always asking for something – this is why We play this game ‘what do you want’…
So you know that one reason you’re still on this planet is because you want something, you’re asking for something and the universe is responding and you’re interacting with life… this is how it works…
– (…) I think it’s not fair…
– Of course not…
Why is it not fair?
Because the spirit is hidden… you know how many children love this game when you hide something, don’t you?
– (…) We know that the earth will die at some point; how can we humans slow down this process?
– The earth will reincarnate just like you will leave your form – the earth is a living organism…
This means that the earth also has a spirit or essence that will survive just as you leave your star, your physical form…
– (…) What I really meant was how we could improve the life of our children or grandchildren…
– Be honest with them, they are not dummies…
You were all children once…
You can’t necessarily slow down the evolution of the earth unfortunately…
There was a chance, but the earth has taken full control of herself just like every child does eventually…
– (…) How can we humans prepare ourselves during this transition towards the 5th dimension?
– Every action is preparation, you prepare for development…
There is no magic list that will guarantee that you can keep pace with the earth…
no magic list that is relevant for everyone…
but you can make your own list for yourself as you become more conscious for your desires, thoughts, motivation, resistances, illusions… you can break through them, it is a race to complete the self…
– (Gr.) Can You give us some information about the current financial situation in Greece? The politicians are corrupted, there’s anger in people… what is the anchor?
– Share your resources, all of your resources, share what you can…
It’s time for humans to stop isolating themselves with technology which claims to bring you all together when it’s really a conspiracy to isolate…
We can’t talk about money because you all know it’s an addiction, that you’re all addicts…
and who’s the big dealer?
– (…) The banks…
– So if you start to have a bit of caution about that drug rather than greed for it, you begin to transform the relationship…
We said Greece is the scapegoat for the EU because of the euro, there’s a battle for supremacy of currency on the planet: the dollar over euro…
and all the simple folks are drug addicts… hooked…
– (Gr.) There are practical questions though of how to cope with everyday reality, our bills…
– You buy into that fear… if you have a bill and you don’t have that money, pay them as much as you can…
– (…) And they will cut down the electricity or…
– Not necessarily…
– (Gr.) Does that mean that our politicians are ready to modify the laws to prevent a bigger reaction from the citizens?
– Why not pray for a new political system?
If you don’t believe it, it will never happen…
or you will go down with the ashes as the phoenix is rising up…
you have a choice: you can go with the ashes or you can be part of the phoenix… and it’s all part of what you’re thinking, what you’re allowing to consume you…
If you believe you’re some type of spiritual creature, then you must know that you own nothing… you must know that you will survive as long as it’s necessary…
– (Gr.) We see a lot of healers, gurus, channels nowadays; how can we tell apart?
– You can’t… how do you know anything?
– (Gr.) Through experience…
– (…) Talking about Freedom, can it be achieved in one life?
– It has to happen in one life; it’s an accumulation from many lifetimes but it happens in one life that you wrap it up….
this is the gift of living during chaotic times: there’s enough stimulation to push you towards completion…
this is the other side of the chaos, you might call it…
Do you think that your entities are feeling pity for you now or are they excited that you’re alive and living?
– (…) How can we come in touch with our entity?
– Come to Delphi…
– (…) Can we influence positively with our thoughts the life of another person?
– Certainly…
– (…) Why do we always have to play hide-and-seek with our spirit?
– For pleasure – once you figure it out, it is…
– (…) But everything in life is about pain and fear: animals eating each other, humans killing each other… where is the pleasure?
– You don’t like to eat?!
Don’t you have pleasure when you’re hungry and you eat?
That’s your answer: Desire…
– (…) But we could survive from the sun and the light; why create pain to survive?
– Why?
– (…) I can’t find any logical explanation…
– Certainly there is not…
We’re not here to defend the state of the world or the suffering…
but you all know that many times you do not learn if you don’t feel pain, unfortunately…
If you all had pain – and you all have, you know you can need it in your body and it will move…
So We’d like to ask you to do a small meditation…
Close your eyes and see a rainbow over the earth; this is a blessing you will give to the earth…
you all know what it means, symbolically…
afterwards, you bring it here in the middle of the room…
We’re greeting each of you welcoming you…