Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Thessaloniki Healing Circle

Thessaloniki Healing Circle

2 April 2017


Surely you are all feeling a bit renewed as the Earth opens her arms in the Spring. You might do this whenever you are in the nature near trees or flowers, focus on the opening and imagine that you are being embraced. Spring is a time for renewal so first we want to go around the circle and ask you each a question. Think back in the last year, what is it that you wanted to do that you didn’t succeed? We want to bring the opportunity for renewal for this day. So we will renew your willpower to achieve that power.

Professional financial freedom

Freedom from old habits

Cleaning out excess things

Listening to my intuition

Speaking clearly and honestly to others

Eating healthier

Making necessary changes to move forward

Creating more free time

Taking care of personal fitness, stop smoking

Less stress and less worry

Lose weight and become a vegan

Manage stress better

Less traveling for work

Show mercy to myself

Not to lose the connection to my intuition

Be more in tune with myself


Stand up and make a circle close to each other without touching. Each of you focuses on what you wanted that you did not achieve. We work to strengthen your will. We work on the outside of the circle, each focusing on what you said. Back to your seats now and take some deep breaths. Before you go to sleep this evening, think about those things that you want to achieve. Sleep on it, as the saying goes. We can work on your dream bodies.

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