We greet you all…
J. has the intention of sharing an exercise with the Group that would assist each person to step aside from their mind, We will say, because if there is a blockage to receiving this Energy, it is within the mind… and when the mind becomes a little tired of processing so much, then the mind steps back and relaxes and then We can sneak in!
We welcome you, once again, and each of you!
Now, there are many concerns and each person would do well to ask their own questions… this is why are trying to push Honesty and this Honesty is for yourselves; admit that you have concerns and questions, the Secretiveness is not necessary…
Now, We will call Yi. who has a question about his departed father – We would like to hear the question…
– (Yi.) Can I, at this moment, communicate with him or he with me? How can I perceive this?
– Understand that, surely, after an individual passes through this door of Death, as you call it, they reach some sort of a resting station, We might say and to have communication with somebody on the other side of the door, would take too much of the energy they need to focus on their own issues… the life that was just lived is like a dream for them!
And if you jump out of the dream and ask for attention, you might confuse this individual… know that he has passed through the confusion of realising that he’s dead and he’s resting at the moment and, during this period, he’s concerned with which schools to attend, which healing areas he needs to visit to put the finishing touches on the lessons he learned during his life – maybe there was something he, almost, grasped but not quite and he can, easily, understand this with just a little of assistance! And he might get that assistance from one aspect of a person in this room, you know!
You see, you, each, do work on different levels…
And if you feel you are not doing anything in this level, understand you might be doing something very big on another level! And maybe this big work needed an awful lot of energy from the entity and you may feel a little low of energy or enthusiasm…
Don’t, necessarily, think you are under some negative influence; better to think you are doing some great work and maybe you have a dream that reveals some part of this work to you – it happens often!
Next question? Who will stand up and share themselves?
– (T.) I feel I give a lot of criticism and that upsets me – I’d like to figure out where realisation stops and criticism begins…
– You see, your criticism brings you to realisations, quite often, T… understand you are criticising yourself for being critical…
It is not something negative to have that critical mind… you’ve had lifetimes when you, really, needed this fine tuning… why don’t you see this as a positive trait? Without blaming whom and what you are criticising, without blaming yourself for being critical, why not laugh at yourself and say: ‘This is the critical mind again, let’s see what realisation this can bring me to at this moment!’
You get tangled up in your own circles… the answer to your question, always, exists within your question: if you reveal your question before you, you will see this clearly… your critical mind brings you to the realisation, realising belongs to you…
– (K.) How can we experience more Joy and Patience inside us? Any practical advice to achieve that?
– Certainly, by taking a position of the Observer in your existence, in your life as you learn to separate yourselves from the processes of the mind, the feelings of your emotions, the sensations of your physical form…
as you learn to step aside from these – with affection because they are parts of yourself, allow the emotions to grab the reins of yourself and run away or allow the mind to do the same thing – to run away or the body to go away with a small pain… you know you can magnify a small pain…
Then one tends to lose this experience of Joy, one becomes almost a victim of their own creation rather than the director observing the whole scene… and if you have any experience with film-making, then you will see how pleased the Director is when he sees that all works smoothly and everyone remembers their lines and their roles… Even the Star of the film is not more important than the Supporting actor…
This is when things get out of balance… patience comes with understanding your position in the creation of your life; impatience has a role as well!
The secret of Impatience is to find something you are very patient in doing and pay strict attention to that! Perhaps you are patient when you are washing the dishes or something… notice that: your patience not to drop the plate and break it…
by paying attention to your patience, you can be able to bring it to other circumstances of your life…
– (St.) Are all these misfortunes happening to this country and all over the world coincidences?
– There are no coincidences as the world, We will say, approaches this shift to the century… things tend to accelerate and the Earth changes because this is what you are thinking of: to assist the humans living on the Earth to this Change…
The Earth has a Consciousness of its own! And, it’s ready for a shift as well just as each of you in this room is ready to shift your Consciousness to more Self- Awareness…
So you are a very sensitive individual, St., and you hold Greece like a baby in your arms; this is, partly, because at a deeper level you understand that Greece has a role in this Shift… it is no accident that this Channel has left her country to be present… and many others are moving around the Globe as well…
There is a big Energy Shift and if, for example, you were to shift this table, some things would fall, right?
St., understand that this shift is occurring within you and you are looking not at the immediate family, at the moment, but farther into the country, the world – and this shows a shift within yourself and We congratulate you once again: you are moving…
– (S.) How can we understand our dreams and their symbols better?
– Try not to scrutinise them, first…
wake up with the dream fresh in your mind and, immediately, write it down – if you are, really, interested in your dreams, program yourself to do this…
before sleeping, give yourself the strong suggestion during a deep breath, keep it and say: ‘I will remember my dream or I will remember the most important dream of this sleep!’ And, then, sleep… and when you awaken, write the dream and then lie back down for a moment and allow yourself to re-experience the dream… and when you awaken and start your business, stop and recall the dream again…
Give yourself the suggestion that you will receive the message or gain what the dream is trying to tell you and, then, forget it!
Just let it go through your mind, don’t hold it in your mind, don’t try to take it apart… Let it go through and then, later in the day, review what you wrote and note especially the pieces that you have forgotten and, then, let it go!
If you do this enough times, the wisdom will come to you, S. – it’s a matter of will power… and each individual in this room – if you are willing, you can try this experiment…
– (S.) How can I get rid of the pain I feel is due to mental tension and stress?
– Try ice! Place some ice on your head, place your hands on your solar plexus and imagine the energy coming from the cold going down and out of your roots… you can imagine a golden cord leaving from the base of your spine and going into the earth… it’s not so much stress, it’s an opening that is happening in this area and the energy is not flowing through the rest of the body…
– (V.) I have a problem with Separation… although I experience Unity and Love with people, when the relationship is interrupted, the separation tears me apart – and I feel afraid to create something new, I feel blocked…
– You have created many existences of experiencing this suffering from separation… You haven’t allowed yourself to open, completely, to another individual because of this fear… when you become involved with another, you are not allowing yourself to see your reflection in the other because of the fear of losing…
Perhaps you’d like to try an experiment: try to give away something that is very valuable to yourself e.g. a piece of jewellery, perhaps, something that would assist you to move through this block… you imagine that you are losing something if you lose a relationship, but your fear is losing parts of yourself…
You don’t understand that nothing is, ever, lost; you’ve been alive before and you are alive again! Nothing is lost; only transformed!
You have a Fear of Transformation!
You would do well to find a caterpillar in the spring and watch it turn to a butterfly! Watch transformations, expose yourself to this experience… allow yourself to feel your emotions, allow yourself to feel the fear that comes with the emotions without running from it! Feel it! Be patient with yourself!
– (V.) Fear and Guilt which other times I understand and others I don’t – I can’t figure out how fear is transformed into guilt…
– These are two different emotions that feel the same in the body, We will say! Follow the thoughts backwards to discover the roots…
– (K.) Yesterday during my personal reading, I was told that the blocking in my chest comes out of fear – how can I get rid of this?
– We would recommend that you hear this session very often: there are certain things that you must understand before this information is available for you!
It’s as if you must embrace something before you can let go of it, you can’t skip around it, you can’t jump over it or crawl under it – you must embrace it!
Hold your questions at the moment, review your personal reading perhaps with a question in mind and the answer is there! It’s like a puzzle, you see…
– (D.) Ιs it necessary for somebody to follow a spiritual path or a ritual in order to evolve?
– Your life is your spiritual path, for the moment, so live it! Bring as more joy as you can in your experience, thus the broader your experience will become…
There are no set rules for anyone, it’s not necessary to follow a set of rules or to do what We suggest you to do – it’s just, one suggestion and you will never know if it works until you try it, but you must believe in what you are doing for anything to work… even medicines, you know, will not work if you don’t believe them…
– (B.) Is there a practical way for somebody to be an Observer?
– For your mind that goes so quickly, if you can find the moment to back up or to find an opportunity to watch your thoughts without trying to stop them or to change them…
Imagine that your mind is a quick moving river and in the autumn when the leaves are falling from the trees, each leaf that falls into this river is one thought… if you find a few moments in the day to observe the leaves falling and being carried away in the thought stream of your mind, is one way…
If you can, in a moment of deep emotions e.g. Anger or Sadness to separate yourself from that moment, for a moment – this is becoming the Observer…
And the more that you practise these techniques, the easier it becomes to get into the space of the Observer, to the point that it could become a habit!
Also, you can try a technique of observing your physical body in this moment without trying to change anything… pay attention to your body and become aware of it without trying to change it – this is the secret in this exercise…
Also, watch your breath without trying to change it – it’s more difficult than it sounds because by paying attention to something, you, automatically, change it… But that’s all right! If you try these simple techniques, then, you step into this role of the Observer…
– (B.) What is happening after we learn all lessons on Earth in this physical form?
– Then you decide what you want to do next: maybe you want to start over, maybe you wish to have an experience of pure bliss in the flesh!
The Purpose of Being is Creation and you just go on with more creation!
If you don’t wish to create more on the physical plane, perhaps you will not send any conscious bits here into this plane, any bits of consciousness into the physical…
This is more of a philosophical question… perhaps you would like to philosophise with another member of the group – there are quite a few philosophers in the group, you can talk with them and you can have a lot of joy doing this…
We are not interested in philosophy so much!
– (V.) Sometimes, I set some goals I can’t realise! There is a conflict within my goals: what my Heart wishes contradicts those my Mind wants… any practical advice?
– This is a product of your Confusion: you are not sure what it is that you want!
When you become sure, you won’t have this experience any longer; become more self-aware, pay attention to all of the discussions that have occurred here and find what is best for yourself…
– (V.) Something from work in connection with my manager: he creates a stress when communicating with him without a practical reason…
– Your perfect opportunity to try Honesty: share with him how you feel!
– (M.) I don’t think I have a question…
– We greet you, M., welcome!
– (K.) The last oracle was that ‘Spring is coming and Phoebus will come back and remain for ever!’
– Who is Phoebus?
– (K.) Apollo!
– And what does this represent for you? And what does Apollo represent for you?
– (K.) Light, Freedom, Consciousness!
– And is this not what you seek for yourself?
– (K.) Yes!
– And is this not what brings you into this communication?
– (K.) Yes! Of course!
– And isn’t this what you have been receiving?
– (K.) Yes!
– Now, K., once again your romanticism about Ancient Greece is coming to play… perhaps you can find some other romantics in the audience to discuss about Ancient Greece if you like…
You see, there can be much Joy for each of you in this group as you become more honest with yourselves, with each other… if you expose yourselves, you will find others who can assist you to grow into your own light, the light that exists within each and every one of you, the light that we see – Our own light We add to each of you…
We greet each and everyone one of you, individually and as a mass…
We are sending you Help and Light on your way… carry on!