Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


To begin, D., greeting you, once again, energetically, welcoming you…

Understand that this is a time of great acceleration energetically, for humanity, particularly for those of you who are consciously expanding, those of you who are focused on the expansion of your consciousness…

Now, life is a journey controlled by the consciousness expanding – this journey is, many times, hazardous to the emotions, to the mind… always the journey ends in the death of the physical form, but the consciousness continues to grow, to expand… and it’s time for you to put yourself into a clear focus, to recognize that the experiences that you have, the challenges that you face are all a matter of choice and decision
you, yourselves, decide to move in a certain direction, consciously and you pull the rest of the sides along with you… you’re not victims of anything outside yourselves; if you ever feel victimized, recognize that you yourselves are the victor as well…

 (D.) I know I’m protected – I’d like to know what this protection consists of…
– A force that assists you to open doors! 
This is the protection of movement: We protect your path to your evolved self – this is the part of you and of everyone else that We protect… THE PATH… 
therefore, if you stumble off the path, We might help you to get back up… if you take a U-turn, We may send messages that will alert you or that will alarm you even to turn back and get on the right path… 
We help to, energetically, open doors so that you move through them… you might say that We protect your life – We do… 
As long as one is diligent, committed to one’s self, one’s evolvement, one’s wisdom, We keep an energy pouring into your circle, into you!

 (D.) Delphic oracles have always been famous for their ambiguity – why have You chosen this way of communicating with us?
– It’s important!
 (D.) What is important? Ambiguity?
– Yes! It’s important to respect the subject!
We respect you by approaching you in this manner; We’re not here to lead you by the nose or put a ring through your nose, you know, and pulling you…
 (D.) But doesn’t this give us extra work to decipher?
– Fun! More play!
 (D.) And, then, there’s the Time issue: we don’t seem to synchronize…
– With what?
 (D.) With what You say! We don’t know when something will materialize really, isn’t it like Babel?
– Do you want to see a motion picture having the script right in front of you and reading it before you, actually, have the experience of the film?! Or do you want to have the whole experience, the full experience of life? What do you choose?
Although you are the director of your own reality, you are co-creator in this world… you are part of humanity, you are part of the earth and all of those parts need to be respected… the only way that We can respect all the parts of you is to use this manner of communicating…

We move you!

You see, this title, Delphic Motion, is perfection for what is happening for, We move you, energetically… you have greater opportunity to decipher the messages that We give, to flow into the path your spirit has outlined for you…
We won’t tell you: this is taking the Magic out of life! Without Magic, what is life?

 (D.) Last Christmas, at J.’s home, You mentioned about future revealing Yourselves…
– You can interpret that in many ways: We are revealing ourselves… this means We’re becoming more popular, not so hidden, well-known, you see…
We’re not going to individualize Ourselves because it’s part of Our agreement to not for one to take precedence over the other e.g if you knew that X was part of this Energy Field, you might want to talk only to X and Y might have other business elsewhere…

 (D.) What does it take to become a member of the Delphinians? Who are You?
And what are the prerequisites given that You come from various historical periods in Greece or elsewhere?
– Intention, desire, attention, participation like a type of Community Service, you might say…
– (D.) Did You acquire the prerequisites while You were alive? When did You pass the test?
– There really was no test…
 (D.) Ok, but what did You do to deserve to become a member of this Community?
 Contribution of Will! Imagine there’s a very wealthy man and, when he dies, he wills all of his wealth to the development of natural parks throughout the city – each person who appreciates that park, gives back something, energetically… it’s an exchange, actually!
 (D.) You take from us and we take from You?
– We don’t take anything, We use you to access the earth directly!
 (D.) Through our bodies, through energy work…
– Yes!
 (D.) Are You all Greeks?
– No!
 (D.) But You all care about Greece – is there, really, a nationality issue here?
– No! You see, the spirit of J. has an affinity for Greece, but is she Greek?
 (D.) No, but she’s been in at least one existence… so?
– So these types of descriptions become useless after a certain amount of investigation…

 (D.) So You are souls who have surpassed the limitations of the human nature…
– You can say that! We’ve involved out of the realm, We’re looking for companions to touch down on the New Earth…
You see, We put the energy out, but it has to be delivered – some persons are slow to deliver the meal, other services are quick…
If you go to the post office, you have a choice; you might, even, choose the courier who might be quicker, safer and take better care…
You’re like the courier system, not like the post office: slow, ‘let’s sit and wait a bit’…

Do you understand this? 
This field is vibrating at a very fine and high frequency; this frequency can become very heavy when not delivered with the same pace, do you understand? And you have this ability; you are a part of the Delphic Motion, you’re becoming part of the Delphinians…
You say who are the Delphinians… 
This is a gathering of Force; the farther you come, the more steps you take into this project on the earth, the closer your entity field comes to the Delphinians…
Let’s say that the Delphinians are an organization of consciousness!
Those of you who come closer on this organization on the earth bring your energy field into the corporation and you become incorporated – eventually, you access your own self! 

Persons will say: my higher self, my guides, my angels
All of these terms are obsolete as far as We’re concerned: when you, fully, surrender to this cooperation, then, you give your entity the opportunity to be assisted… 
this means that all of your former lifetime energy, all of those individuals who are part of your entity, can find assistance through this Source; they are assisted so that their enlightenment is guaranteed!

 (D.) I haven’t found a way, yet, to maintain a relationship with the Earth? Any suggestions?
– Now, this requires a Choice, as if you’re making a rendezvous with a lover… you must choose to see the significance of that date with the earth, to accept that you’ll receive magic if you make the appointment with the earth… you have to decide, you see, you have to put it as a priority….. 
spend time outdoors alone in a natural environment, go for a walk on the beach for 2 hours a week… make an appointment choosing the same day of the week: that you’ll spend at least 2 hours outdoors… 
it requires, approximately, 2 hours to release oneself from the control of the mind in order to begin the exchange available with Nature…

Nature is always offering something to the human who, many times, doesn’t have the patience for his own mind to unwind… then you’ll notice that the thoughts begin to slow down, silence enters into the thoughts and, then, begin to wind back in, bringing nature back in… if you choose the day of the week that you’ll devote to nature, then… 

it’s not so easy as it sounds; it’s easier to make an appointment with a friend, to keep the appointment with a friend, for, Nature requires you to empty your mind … when you’re dealing with a friend, you’re dealing with the mind of the friend as well – it might take 4 hours with a friend for both minds to be emptied… they might never empty because one mind puts thoughts into the other mind, you see?
Nature is not dealing with thoughts, it is pure energy! There’s no thoughts coming from Nature – it’s science, it’s scientific…

 (D.) What is my Cause for Celebration?
– It’s nature! If you don’t empty yourself, you don’t have anything to give to those around you… you don’t need a cause: Life is a celebration! You’re alive, that’s enough!
When you open your eyes in the morning, you can give the suggestion: I WILL CELEBRATE LIFE THIS DAY! And do the Breath of Joy when you wake up, We insist on this with you… draw your head down to the earth… you have the tendency to be too mindful, you tangle yourself with the thoughts… this is common when one has a brilliance in the mind without freedom of choice of what one will think… you’re, still, a bit conditioned in your thoughts, by your education, by the society, by its rules, by the rules of your upbringing etc so each day do the Breath of Joy… 
if you throw your head down and bring it up, this is a clearing, it causes the energy to move up the back of the neck, over the head and down to the earth – a way of relieving oneself from structures of thought and it must be done consistently…

 (D.) Sometimes, in the mornings, I try to think of reasons to get out of bed…
– Perhaps take some personal days, then…
 (D.) I’d never do that…
– Take a day off and see how long you can stay in bed! If you flip your head, you’ll find the answer… next time you feel so much resistance, take the day off and see – after that phone call, how long you can stay in bed…
And, then, spend the whole day in nature… go to the mountain, look at the sky – choose a sunny day, feel it’s worthwhile to be outdoors, listen to the birds, listen to the sea… get filled up – this is a matter of balancing…
As your spirit takes a stronger possession of you, this is what happens when you are on your path: it starts to have a bigger voice… as the spirit starts to have a stronger control over you, there becomes a bit of conflict of the mind, with the belief systems: I must go to work
Perhaps you must take a day off once in a month so that you can feel free, you can witness how many times your mind goes back to your students…
You can start to unravel from Guilt for taking care of your own needs first rather than doing what’s right according to society, your belief systems… do what your spirit says!

 (D.) How can I explain GOD to children?
– A natural phenomenon, the creative force… 
Nature is the easiest explanation – who controls nature? GOD is not something that can be explained anyway… a sense of being, of becoming… GOD is LOVE… it’s impossible to explain the unknown, it can only be felt, not something that can be intellectualized…

 (D.)What is a project?
– Something that has been projected into the future…
when you project into the future, you’re, always, taking a risk, not necessarily, a major risk always – certainly, sometimes but a minor risk, a risk that things might not go as planned… We do not project, you know that, We see! And We force, many times, this Channel to, also, see why she took such a difficult lesson to see the death of her Joy because she wasn’t accepting what she saw… 
Now, as she begins to accept what she sees, what she needs, it’s important that those of you who are in cooperation with her, also, at least, consider it before rejecting her demands… She isn’t a demanding type, anyway… Commanding, of course, but not demanding!

You agreed, you chose… you made the Choice, you decided whether you’re In or whether you’re Out so put yourself into the mind that you are In, that this is priority now! There are other students waiting for you, who are more desperate than the youngsters; you’ve served the youngsters well, you know it, you can pat yourself for that…

Now comes the more difficult task: to serve the adults, what they’re desperate for… there’s desperation for this information… now you know why it’s time to fly: desperation within humanity you can soothe with your association through this field of energy…

 (D.) I don’t quite understand what it means ‘I’m in the project’! What will happen if I can’t make it to the very end? And I don’t understand the word ‘preparation’ either  it, surely, isn’t about letting go of food or smoking or bad habits, in general…  
– Your spirit is in this Project; you can’t deny that, can you? This is something that’s very important to you, it’s sacred, this is your sacredness! There are a few who feel this and this is what puts you in…

What is the Project: nobody knows! 
We can say a few things if you like: the project to assist Humanity, service, give as much as you can to increase the level of awareness on the planet – this is the PROJECT… each person involved does it in their own individual way; you do it already, you don’t need to prepare, you’re, already doing it the best that you can… and as you become more aware of yourself, you do it better, you get better…

 (D.) I’m trying to figure out what the word joy means…
– You can’t figure it out with your mind; it’s a sense, a beingness, having joy, becoming joy, joyful…

 (D.) How come and You seem to appreciate Life more than us, humans?
– We know how valuable it is!
 (D.) But the body is a limitation, without it you can do so many things, I guess…
– That’s an opinion – accept your limitations, very important!

 (D.) You’ve said that it’s an equal challenge for those who leave and for those who remain on the earth – then why bother? Why be interested in moving?
– Would you rather live in a polluted environment or a clean one?
Would you rather have clean water or polluted water?
Would you like to be present when there’s a war for water?
Or would you rather be somewhere where there is pure, fresh water sourcing from the earth? What do you choose?
 (D.) It goes without saying, of course!
– Then, why do you ask?
What is happening on the planet? Is it improving?
 (D.) But I feel protected where I live, I have water and clean air…
– In your next life guaranteed?

 (D.) No! What will happen in 2012?
– Nothing!
 (D.) Why is it considered to be a special date?
– There’s a planetary alignment, astrologically speaking, that occurs which will affect the energy on the earth… We’ve talked extensively about the projected opening for the New Earth in 2012…
 (D.) Is that when it will begin or when it will be finalized?
– There’s no finalization! There’s no beginning and there is no end, it’s energy moving…
 (D.) I’m wondering as it’s only 4 years till then – how dramatic can the changes be within 4 years?!
– Wait and see!

 (D.) I know there has, always, been Evil or corruption – has it multiplied or have I become more cunning?
– Both! It’s more obvious, it’s coming closer to the surface… there’s desperation, remember, in the world, in the society where you live and this causes the shadow sides to materialize from the human behaviour…

 (D.) I feel – so sorry to say, disrespect about some people, how can I get over it?
 Forgive them, ask for forgiveness… simply ask: I need forgiveness
When you open your hands up in the air, you’re vulnerable! You don’t have to label it! And, then, you can forgive yourself for the critical mind and the disrespect, and you can forgive the others understanding that many characteristics of humans don’t deserve respect anyway! 
They are not wrong, but you don’t have to be judgmental of yourself nor self-righteous about it…

 (D.) Why do people fall in love? 
  Is it incompletion, dreaming, insecurity, what?
 Detachment from the Self, focusing on another – it’s a method of becoming detached from the self…
(D.) Yes, but isn’t this a knife cutting both ways?
 Vulnerability is necessary to get to the heart of the Matter! The knife cuts which you describe are there to inflict vulnerability on the participants and the vulnerability opens the heart…

 (D.) Is there a perfect mate? Do all deserve one?
– It’s not a matter of deserving, more a matter of availability 
 (D.) Which means that not all are available yet, right?
– Perhaps there isn’t such a thing as perfection… 
the perfect mate in the moment, We should add, for as you change and evolve, also your need for mirrors, reflections of yourself changes and evolves… whoever can give you the best opportunity to see and understand yourself! 
Anyone with whom you’re moving or cooperating is a  mate and it gives you the impression of change of shifting from one mate to the next without, necessarily, building institutions around a relation – institutions are crumpling and falling and Marriage is the most threatened…
The times demand that the individual graduate many times  each graduation requires new reflections, new mates… 
the game of love or of interaction between the sexes can be very painful if it’s not taken lightly!
Of course, the response to the game can be quite fierce in itself, but it’s not necessary to bring that fierceness to the temporary mate… ideally, that fierceness is kept inside in order to shift the individual…

One person is growing into two on the New Earth: androgyny
This means that the best way to prepare oneself for a shifting vibration is to balance the male and female aspects! This is what We’ve been talking about for years: balance your feminine and masculine side on and on and on…

Now We begin to talk about the new androgynous individual…
How does that impress the human who’s walking on the earth now?
A greater sense of genderless being! 
This can require that those who are sexual creatures accept that they are bisexual, not heterosexual – heterosexuality is being left behind… this doesn’t mean that the human has to go into the orgies etc unless, of course, they want to… 
it’s not necessary, for sex is one way to express love for another… most people use sex as a tool to release themselves from stress, unfortunately, as this is very damaging to whomever is on the receiving end of that… 
Sex is the easiest power to access; once you’ve accessed other power, then, perhaps sex is not necessary…

 (D.) Is there a level of equality in my relationships?
– What do you think?
 (D.) No, not really, except for J.… I feel lonely at times, I feel like a teacher wherever I am – maybe that’s why I feel so tired and I want to push people forward…
– This is a choice – if you push another, then, you lose energy for yourself, you know it… 
If you’re climbing a mountain and this person is, also, climbing a mountain, if you’re pushing them, you’re getting the back draft of their energy field; if you’re tied with a rope and you’re down below, you climb up and you, simply, wait for them: I did it, now you do it!
And if they call up: where did you step? Here and there…
You don’t have to push anybody…
It’s much better to go with yourself and expect that there’s somebody up there waiting for you – in this way, you create an opening for that person to enter…
If you’re pushing somebody up in front of you, that person who was waiting in front of you might get out of the way because they don’t want to be affected by that one you’re pushing… or you might push that one right out of the way because you want this one to be with you…

This spiritual path is a lonely path…
That’s why there are so many dogmatic systems around spirituality: so that people don’t have to feel like they’re alone…
Every spiritual warrior is alone; no way can you fight the good fight as Paulo Coelho says if you’re pushing somebody else: they can get killed first, you know…
You must go on your own and hope that they, also, will make it through the battle and that you meet again and that you’ll share space and time and then you go forward again… to find the soul mate requires that you have your own level of wholeness

 (D.) And how does one achieve wholeness?
– Through movement, risk taking, courage, swallowing the bitter medicine of life… unfortunately, there’s a bit of bitterness, at times, in the lessons
You fight the good fight and let others do what they want to do – don’t push them, don’t pull them, don’t, even, enquire…

 (D.) I try to find ways to feel respect towards several men – can You help me there?
– Why? Why find ways to respect them? 
Accept them in the condition they are in and understand that they are not like women… women are different than men and women do not, necessarily, have the capacity to understand what it feels like to be male…
 (D.) I’m sure but…
– Why not just set them free, stop judging them first, stop criticizing them…
What is Joy? What is most often associated with Joy?
(D.) Humour!
– Not, necessarily, a caustic, ironic humour, but humour, laughter, laughing at the irony of men and women… 
men have their purpose – find a reason to witness the benefit of a man… perhaps you can humble yourself and ask for more help from men…

Life is about Focusing
Now, you can look in this room and you can see some disorder, some dust, some ugliness or you can see some beauty, some grace, correct? It’s all about what you’re focusing on… 
Accept that it’s not accidental that many elders lose the ground: they didn’t focus on Evolution… can you accept that there are some courageous men in the world, who are evolving with great dynamic thrusts?
Maybe you don’t know them, maybe you understand that you have the responsibility to help them and this is what causes you to be so frustrated… you haven’t found the position yet where you can, truly, express your passion for evolution from a spiritual prospective, you don’t realize how spiritual you are, you know…
 (D.) No, I don’t realize that!
– You don’t know! You take it so for granted and you judge everyone else who’s struggling to put on their uniform or to get their tools ready for spirit when you have so many things already finished…
 (D.) What do you mean exactly when you refer to me as ‘a great force’?
– Energetic! You move energy…
 (D.) With my behaviour, you mean?
– With everything, with yourself – who moved your friend, El., into her new flat?
 (D.) Anybody could do that!
– Who did it?
 (D.) I did it…
– Why do you say ‘anybody could do that’ ? She couldn’t do it herself!
You think anybody can do what you can; you don’t know how limited the humans are, you don’t allow them to be limited because you know deep in your heart that you have a role to help them become better…
 (D.) Have I helped her become better, really?
– Yes, you have, you have impressed her… perhaps she’s not been able to smoothen over the impression that you’ve made in your life, but you have impressed her, certainly…

 (D.) Have I adopted some parts of my mother’s behaviour? Do I take some of that energy?
– Yes, you know you do, you might give it back…
You know what you can do: write down all of these beliefs, of her behaviour that you’ve taken from your mother on a paper with a pencil and then cut it with a scissor, metal, in little pieces and go bury it in her garden as a type of fertilizer for her plants so you give it back to the earth… no one will be hurt by this behaviour and you may be helped –  she may, also, be helped… 
you don’t need this behaviour, you don’t need your parents; you love them, of course, you respect them as much as you can for what they have contributed to your life, but you don’t need them…

 (D.) For some time now, I feel I’m losing, momentarily, my consciousness like my body is expanding or about to explode…
– Enjoy it! It’s expansion of consciousness! Enjoy it, accept it – this is part of Evolution, energetic evolution because your chromosome system has already been affected…
This is serious work, We’ve said that many times! It’s serious, nothing that is normal or typical…
 (D.) Will it continue happening?
– Temporarily, don’t worry about those small things… allow yourself to sink into the moment, feel it happening… just feel it, it’s not anything wrong with you…

 (D.) I want to ask You why the Christian Dogma doesn’t accept former existences…
– If you have the whole Bible, if you had a new interpretation of the Bible, you’d see that they do accept reincarnation… even Christ rising from His Death, is an indication of reincarnation; it’s how you interpret it, isn’t it?
 (D.) Then, why don’t they accept it?
– Control, power control, what do you think? 
They want you to feel stuck in this life, enslaved to their rules and regulations…

 (D.) I feel fascinated with castles…
– They’re mysterious! They do not reveal their secrets unless, of course, you sleep there… 
It’s part of the expansion of consciousness that you experience, a desire to melt, to mix with the antiquity of the earth, of the human as well as with the natural construction… most castles are built from stone – to melt with the stone, to come to an awareness of how the stone can speak to you…
When you move through the path of the spirit, you, eventually, understand that nature, natural constructions, natural phenomena are the most rewarding companions…
This is where you get energy from, not, necessarily, from other humans – you get energy from the nature, embrace it…
Water is the easiest thing to recognize as most of the construction of the human form is water…
Next is earth
Actually, the first is other creatures: animals
And the stone is mysterious because it seems like it’s not changing to the human eye but the soul knows and feels the changing…

 (D.) I don’t know why I’ve, always, felt I had to stick to Greece, but now I feel I  need some time abroad away from everyone, to make a new start…I want more authority to make things move faster…
– You’ll, always, be stuck with Greece! 
This is your home and your origin and everything that you do, personally and professionally, contributes to Greece; there will be an opportunity to give back even more to Greece as you’ll explore other areas… 
We do not want to make any predictions about your future, about the outcome of your enquiries, of your steps, for this would be taking the Magic away…
It’s important that you’ve come to realize the value of having authority in your hands, you know what to do with it…

(D.) That’s about it! Thank you!
– Now We greet you, of course, as a family member and We welcome you!