You are witnessing a series of events that will affect the future of this country…
It may seem like a small insult at the moment but things have a tendency to grow from one small seed!
There is a seed of discontent within the citizens of Greece and these situations are like fertilizer for that seed… the only thing that you can do as individuals is to hope for the best and watch your own emotional field as it either turns away, moves along with or stands opposite the general consensus…
Who has any questions about this?
– (…) Could You be more specific as to what our attitude towards it should be?
– Watch from above as you have each chosen to go your own ways…
On your own pass towards understanding yourselves, you examine yourself how you react or respond to the scenes going on around you… if you review the sessions that We have shared, you can see yourselves predicting something like this to occur: the heaviness you have felt, the lack of motivation…
Now these things are removed!
It’s as if a great bomb has exploded within the psyche of the citizen – this was the sacrifice of the youth! It represents the educational system in this country… the enthusiasm and the innocence of the youth are sacrificed within the system…
And now there is an opening for change…
Anyone else who wants to ask something?
– (…) Since things have taken their course, shouldn’t our attitude be active? E.g. marching instead of being here?
– The Change has to happen from within: the children will break the system!
It will take time!
If you are not working in the system, you can’t really make much of an impression… marching in the streets is not necessarily the best support that you can give…
– (…) So?!
– Knowing that things must change… being willing to move along with the changes…
There are some opportunities to boycott certain products or certain behavior in order to join with your fellow men…
‘There is power in numbers!’
There will come opportunities in the next year when you will be questioned or given an opportunity to join forces with others… you will see…
– (…) Will we understand it though?
– Hopefully! It will be obvious in some cases… always there is a personal choice involved!
Something else?
– (…) So we live in a time of drastic changes difficult for the human standards…
– It’s a time for transformation!
And always when there is energy for a transformation, there is great destruction and disorganization! It’s a time to take things apart to put them back together so that your personal lives can flow with greater force and more freedom… fewer obstacles… or fewer unnecessary obstacles…
In other words, it’s time to take shortcuts… to take away the unnecessary complications… to make room for transformation…
What do you think?
This is not anything new: We have been leaning on this direction using many different methods to assist you to free yourselves…
– (…) I was examining my feelings as you were talking and I felt happy…
– Like you feel something has been lifted – it’s true…
Most everyone in your country is aware of the death of this boy!
He made a sacrifice so that he could carry with him some of that heaviness that was laying over Greece… there is a purpose for every life and every death…
What else? Who wants to bring up a different topic?
– (…) That last remark You’ve just made!
– You can’t discuss death until you meet it!
You might meet with death many times in one life without actually travelling…
There is always something dying in your own physical form: thoughts, relationships and cells since the body is dying every day…
And the purpose of one life can be simple or complicated; it can change as one progresses, as you move through your own self-realization…
You change your goals, don’t you?
Of course, you are here to experience life, to have the pleasure of being alive, of being associated with the earth and the energies of the earth…
Many of those energies become buried under the footsteps of humanity; as they are released, as they are being reborn, those of you who have the intention, the sensitivity can embrace those earth energies… and use them for greater experiences of satisfaction in life, greater experiences of understanding yourselves and the purpose of your existence…
You see, your main responsibility is to yourself, to your entity: what your personal agreement with your entity is when you come to your existence…
Basically, We cover this in the first communication (purpose, goals) and then it grows…
Once you satisfy that agreement, you move to the potential or possibility of satisfying other portions of your entity, and the agreement they have made…
And this is all about becoming Whole… or becoming one with all that there is…
When you have a very strong connection with your own entity that you are aware of, you begin to feel more connected with everything…
Go on! We like co-operation…
– (…) I have the sense that Time is moving fast and things aren’t happening…
– That you are spinning around the same circle? That nothing seems to be changing?
– (…) Slightly!
– This is the beginning of the change, you see!
There was a wet blanket, let’s say, lying over this land and now there is a rocket shot through that which has blown a hole in it to allow for more light to get in and more individuals to get out – to get out of the typical way of thinking, of behaving…
If you want something to be different, you have to change!
If you want something to stimulate you to change, you might not like it so much, you will be more reluctant to change…
What else?
– (…) I’m not sure I understand what the ‘entity’ is about or how this information can help me…
– It can help you to accept more your individuality and the necessity of expressing it…
To be yourself…
To go through the hesitation that originates from outside of yourself…
You can imagine that your entity is inside you: ‘the centre’ everyone is referring to…
If you, as an individual, you are working for a specific branch of the services in the hospital, and you have a level of responsibility to that specific department, but you are an individual, you do it your own way… and all the other members of your department have similar responsibilities or activities, but they also do it in their own individual way…
You are all part of a team!
This can represent you as an individual and all of your past and future lives – the department is your entity…
This shows that your entity is also in a co-operation with other entities…
The hospital can also be seen as an entity that associates with other hospitals in the country etc…
And so what?!
You might learn better and respect your own individuality so that you are able to express yourself fully… don’t expect the world to change unless you change the way you relate to the world…
Now, the world is changing…
This is the message for today: that these scenes that are occurring are the result of an internal pressure inside of the citizens...
– (…) Is it changing violently because it didn’t change in some other way?
– Yes! Because there wasn’t enough co-operation!
The quest or the necessity of individuality has a shadowy side as well and that is the attitude of non-cooperation with others!
If one person is not freely or free to express their individuality, they might become anarchists! This is what is happening in the school systems: there is not the open avenue to express individuality!
It’s not something that has been honoured in the country or it’s not something that is viewed as positive…
And then the typical person would blame the government rather than taking responsibility for themselves for their own individuality…
If you each quickly had to describe yourselves, your individuality in 3 words, what would you think or say?
– (…) ……………………………………………….
– Now think if what you said are real or of your mind!
If you look at individuality, this makes you stand out from the crowd, what makes you different from everybody else…
It’s difficult to accept what makes you different!
You all know what makes you unique in this Gathering or any other group that you join even if that group is humanity itself!
What gives you the power to express yourselves in a way that has never been expressed before?
What makes you unique?
– (…) Curiosity to learn!
– Use next week to examine yourselves: what makes you unique!
See how much of that information contained in your personal readings you have digested or forgotten…
What else? Go on!
What is the purpose of your life?
– (…) To give and receive Joy!
– To share the joy that you have discovered in your own center…
– (…) To bring Balance! And this is my problem…
– Challenge – better!
– (…) To bring Hope to people…
– (…) People have been telling me that I bring Peace and Support around me…
– (…) To convey whatever there is through Communication…
– Keep these things in mind as you go into the world imagining that those characteristics you’ve expressed are in front of you… that are meeting with the mass before you yourselves do…
– (…) You mean our energy…
– Exactly! If you allow yourselves to circle within the thoughts that occupy the mind, you might show a different face… you might not be so sincere in your own individual expression! Everyone is unique and in forgetting this truth, confusion reigns!
Something else?
– (…) I feel the atmosphere is heavy – is it due to what is happening these days in our country that we don’t want to touch other topics?
– Plus the lifting of the heaviness!
When the heaviness is lifted, the tendency is to sink a bit deeper – each of you, into your own thoughts, into your own reality… not to rise up from heaviness…
No-one wants to share – everyone wants to be in their own individual worlds…
– (…) I feel that what I’m experiencing is too small compared to what is going out there…
– Of course! You are pushed to choose a position… to join one side or the other…
And no-one wants to make that separation!
We want to do a meditation with you…
Close your eyes and imagine that the earth is in the centre of the room… that you are off the earth viewing it from a distance… seeing it spinning!
Hold that vision for a moment!
Now We want you to see yourselves return to the earth… wherever you land, look at your feet and take the impression of where you have landed… allow the scene to unfold before you…