Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 1)

(at a plateau near the waterfalls)

Of course, We’ve been storing energy for each of you…
Sometimes in your life, you can’t see the big picture, you can’t see the forest because you’re looking at just one tree; hopefully, after this journey today, you will be able to see the whole forest…
This doesn’t mean that you will be walking for hours, but you are going to be walking for a short time… We want you to ground the Light so as you sit here now, start absorbing the light from the sun and bring it down – how do you do that?
Just feel it, surrender to it, close your eyes and let the sun fill you with energy… when you are walking, after this Meeting, you are going to be sending the light out through this right leg… every time you step, you will be just imagining the light going down to the earth…
Many of you remember what We did here last year sending the energy to the city (Thessaloniki) – We will do a similar thing today…
We want to protect your cities – it’s not an easy job…
Those of you who walk around the city with negative, fearful thinking, drain the Positive Force… that’s why those of you in the Inner Group are responsible to protect your city – you know that is why We work with you for so long and We have informed you that your job is to protect your city, correct? Do you remember?
So, simple exercise today…
during this session, you take the light in… as you are walking, you are sending it out through your right leg; if you start to get thoughtful, pause for a moment in the sun again and fill yourselves with light… part of the human form is a bit hollow, isn’t it? Aren’t the inside of your bones a bit hollow? You can take it one step further and imagine that your bones are getting filled with light… it’s been said that ‘the bones hold the spirit’ – the bones hold the light… so you can bring the light into your bones, if you like: you can imagine the light going through the bones in your leg out to the earth… it doesn’t matter how far you walk – you can walk around in a circle if you want… just try to get that imagery moving: you are a channel of lightyou, also, should be Channels of the Light…
Because there’s a large Group, We want to give everyone a chance to say a question… if there are some of you who won’t be joining Us tomorrow, then you ask the questions first so that you get your chance…
Now sit down and begin… Welcome, old friends!
(An.) How could we approach the new challenges of 2014 which are ahead of us?
– Lightly! No matter what challenge comes in front of you, make an affirmation: I will make this lighter, I will take this lightly… in this way you don’t allow it to penetrate to your centre; you want your centre to be a place of peace, of calmness, you don’t want it to be disturbed… so use that affirmation ‘I’m taking this lightly, I will take this lightly’ and by putting that statement of will in front of you, you bring up your internal resources so that you don’t go under any of the challenges…
You know that things are not so pleasant, many times there’s too much suffering – there always exists suffering on the earth, it’s part of the process of evolving: if you don’t feel the discomfort in life, sometimes you don’t evolve, you don’t make an effort to alter your experience…
Keep taking the light from the sun!
(T.) Heavy feelings, once I considered balanced, come to surface… so many things happening at the same time, intuition and a sense of stagnation which creates impatience inside me – how do I handle all this?
– The first thing: when you have an intuition, write it down and forget about it… don’t intuit something and then destroy it with too much thought because you eat it away if you think about intuition – and this is destructive… so if you have an intuition and you don’t know if it’s true, better to write it down and ground it and you leave it there in your journal and you keep going…
You know, all of you are leaders – you’ve trained… what do you think the training was for?! So that you could lead others
Lead them where?’ you might ask… to the Light…
What is Light? Awareness
You know deep inside of yourselves that ‘Life is not a bowl of cherries’ – some of those cherries have worms in them… if you know a person, if you meet a person who is rich and famous and beautiful and successful and has the best family etc etc must mean that they did a pretty good job in their past lives…
You know that! Life is a school house – you don’t graduate until you become enlightened... and you don’t become enlightened until you go through every experience, every challenge, every emotion that Life has to offer…
isn’t this 101 – the first lesson of the eastern philosophy or religion?
Now if you want to go to Christianity, ‘you are all sinners’ (giggles)… if you want to go to Ancient Greek Philosophy ‘you all live in the underworld’
You are in the underworld, but you see the sun shining from above…
Where are you going?
Hopefully, to the Promised Land, right?
Or to Heaven…
or to the top of Mt Olympus maybe (giggles) where the gods live…
You might be a god wondering ‘how did I get myself so caught-up in all this of insanity of a crisis in Greece?’ Or you might ask yourself ‘why have I always been driven to get to the bottom of spirituality? Why do I want to know and the person next to me or my neighbor only wants to know where they can make more money?
You are not normal people – don’t you realize that? (laughs)
You want more, you want to touch the unknown, you want to feel god, don’t you? You want to know god, don’t you?
This is your opportunity: you witness the world as it turns, you do the best that you can to help whomever you can whenever you see their need is sincere… you can’t save everyone, can you?! You can’t save the world!
If We can’t save the world, you surely cannot!
We are trying to make an impression – that’s all We can do… that’s all any of you can do… so it becomes even more difficult to stay positive… so you work harder!
Take it lightly, don’t let it sink inside to your centres!
What is all the meditation for?! So that you create a centre where you yourself can rest! That’s all! It’s for you!
(An.) Immediately after the Meeting in Santorini sudden, unexpected events happened in my personal life and now I’m at a point where I can’t move either forward or backwards, I feel under lots of pressure and I have lots of anger outbursts breaking things at home… the relationship I’m in now has led me to stop trusting myself and him and life in general… I have no idea how to act…
– Certainly, you have to have a catharsis – have you ever broken plates when you are angry? You see, there is a goal with anger: let it come out, but don’t break anybody else, don’t break relationships with others, don’t break their nerves
so break something: buy yourself some inexpensive dinnerware and when you feel that anger, put all your emotion into busting the plates… bust as many as you need and then clean up every last bit – you have to clean them up, you see… this is one of the easiest ways to empty oneself of that rage – it’s not even anger, it’s rage… you have to try it before you know that it works… and perhaps the most important part of that ceremony is the cleaning-up bit…
Rage is one of those so-called 7 Deadly Sins…
when you come around this Source, some things open up – and it’s not a negative thing that it opens, but perhaps something that wants to come out at that opening… it’s usually some type of stifled emotional state – it’s not unusual therefore… try it!
(An.) What about the trust issue?
– Then why are you staying close? Why don’t you take a break? For ten days don’t speak to each other and then see how you feel, examine what’s drawing you to that individual… examine if your emotional body alters because of the distance…
Ok, let’s touch you… stand up and come here one at a time… you, with the anger, come first…
During energy work on the participants
The worst thing that the human does is become possessive of their emotions: become your emotion and it will disappear or it will transform… and remember: Love is not an emotion, Love is a state of being
so if you are dealing with something annoying – whether it’s a person, a situation, you can use an affirmation: I’m becoming love, I’m love... why don’t you all start saying it in your minds a couple of times…
Let the light come in…
Everybody wants love – why not become love, first? Then, see what happens…
You must all understand that beyond any desire that you have is the true goal: to know god…
Everyone let the light come in…
We are pleased that you, ladies, remembered Our requests regarding your hair…
Life is a process, so is the evolution of the spirit… you are all participating with your entities to evolve… as you evolve, so does your entity – don’t give up!
Some of you are very open, you have to be careful what to allow to come in, you have to be more self-protective…
If any of you have any pain in your bodies, when you are walking, you can use some of that light, you can circulate it around that area before you send the light into the earth – in this way, you might also send your pain out of your physical form… so you’re bringing the light in through the higher chakra, the top, down the spine and out through the right leg… you will go walk for at least one hour and then We can meet back here and We will give you an exercise to do in the water…
(An.) I feel shortness of breath lately, like I lack oxygen…
– What’s causing this shortness of breath?
(An.) Underlying anxiety, probably…
– You don’t smoke…
(An.) No…
– Stay awake from the smoke, drink more water… perhaps you need to start using the breath as a method of relieving stress e.g. to sit next to a tree and take a deep breath, hold it and then let it out slowly and then hold it out and then inhale slowly, pause and then exhale slowly, then pause… bring the light…
Ok? Are you ready to move now?
(…) Are we allowed to talk during the walk?

– What do you think? How can you talk and do the exercise?! Why don’t you take a 10 min break and let everyone talk as much as they want and then you start walking for one hour… you walk in one direction – ideally, next to the running water for 30 min and then you turn around and walk back… it would be nice if you stayed together or, at least, you all go to the same direction…

A 30-min-hike uphill, then back to the plateau
You must have noticed that you left the light, walked through the darkness and found the light again – there’s always light at the end of the tunnel… some tunnels are longer than others… sometimes a whole lifetime can appear to be a tunnel – why not turn it into a tunnel of love? You know the tunnel of love is usually dark (giggles) so that you can make out with your boyfriend or girlfriend… only you can keep yourself in a positive state of mind... nothing lasts forever…
You will get into the water – if you choose, and pay attention to how the light is reflecting off the water: in this way, you become one with the water and the light… if you don’t want to go in the water, you can sit next to the moving water here and just watch how the light reflects-off it; in this way, you’re connecting, energetically, with the light and allowing the water to carry it downstream down to your city and all the surrounding areas…
when you get back to your city, before you sleep, put that vision into your mind of the light reflecting-off the water… keep it in your minds: any time you see light reflecting on water, notice it… whether you realize it or not, you become one with whatever you’re paying attention to… that’s why, if you want to become one with god, you pay a lot of attention to god; it’s not complicated, it just requires a great will  power plus effort…
Philosophies are for the minds…
Religions are for the minds, stories to entertain you, to entice you to get closer to willing yourself to become one with light, with god…
so you either go in the water and focus on the light or you watch the water and you focus on the light… try to spend 20 min without breaking your attention and keep it in your mind to do it often in your life… Light likes to play on water, correct?
(D.) I can understand how petty thoughtscan lead to self-awareness, but after a certain point, how can we stop having them in order to be led to light?
– You don’t really stop thinking, you just put your will to direct your thoughts, you become a witness of your thoughts and you choose which thoughts to follow and which ones to leave on the side of the road because some thoughts can lead you to difficulties…
you might think of your mind as this running body of water: it’s always moving… the mind is always moving, is it not? The emotionsare also moving – if you are trying to block an emotion, the thoughts will also get blocked… there’s a harmony between the emotional body and the intellectual, mindful self… so maybe it’s not about stopping the thoughts, but rather to harmonize the thought with the rest of the self…
We give simple directions, but they are not easy to follow because the mind wants to run somewhere else and the individual is responsible to bring the mind back, light going into the earth – and now light playing on the water… whenever the mind goes somewhere else, you bring it back with your will – that’s what meditation is, is it not? Keep bringing it back…
(W.) Isaac Newton once said ‘We’re not great people, we’re just standing on the shoulders of giants’ referring to the Ancient Hellenic people – how did we lose that greatness and what can we do to get it back?
– Keep trying…
how did you lose it? Maybe it’s not lost, it’s available, perhaps you are overlooking it in order to check your emails… you see? If you have a regular practice of prayer, meditation, physical activity – some stretching, emotional connectiveness – intimacy, in other words, then you are balancing yourselves…
Most human beings are out of balance…
Let’s say that the Great Ones have chosen to reside elsewhere, perhaps they are in Heaven (giggles) – the afterlife… what do you think? Is it possible?
(W.) Maybe…
(El.) Practically speaking, what actions should I take in order to deal with this awkward situation at work with my ex-partner and get over it? I don’t want to feel either a victim or victimize her…
– What happened?
(El.) We had a partnership which I want to end and now she feels used…
– Did you use her? Do you agree with her?
(El.) No, I don’t…
– Does she have any valid point that you agree with? Could it be that you used her unconsciously and you didn’t know?
(El.) I’ve thought about it and I don’t feel this is the case…
– What do you want from her? Forgiveness?
(El.) To end this deal, legally…
– She won’t agree to see you?
(El.) No…
– So she’s stalling…
(El.) Yes, for a year now…
–  And you can’t reach her…
(El.) Only through lawyers by now, a situation I don’t like…
– Ask her to forgive you so that the both of you can move on… send her a greeting card ‘please forgive me’… and see what happens… if you don’t hear from her in one month, send her another one…
(M.) What is blocking us from being more authentic, without masks or playing roles in our relationships?
– Fear…
(M.) To what extent is this due to our ego and how organized this is?
– How clever your ego is…
That is a book: Fear of not being accepted
Know Thyself – that’s the only way you can realize if you are deceiving yourself with your ego… it’s not that difficult to open the Book of the Self… that’s why you have parents – you can look at them first and see your reflections… that’s why you have friendsand enemies… that’s why you like or dislike another person – there’s probably a reflection of yourself over there…
work hard – that’s the answer to your question… it takes diligence to keep an eye on yourself… see how you behave, see if you can improve… every day have the intention to improve, to be a better human being…
Now We are leaving you with that… We try hard to make you better human beings…
We will be back on the job tomorrow…
Enjoy yourselves after the meditation…