Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


At the spring
We can say ‘Good morning’ and greet this troop…
You all know when one soldier falls, he is immediately replaced; this means ‘don’t become too attached to your own identity in life’…
it’s always a good thing to, occasionally, take a view from the distance at yourself, keep a sense of humour and, always, forgiveness – you might say that this is a general character of the entity, any entity… when you take a distant view of yourself, you are closer to your own entity…
you all know you have certain personality traits – many times they’re carried to the next personality to the next to the next, there are similarities in the reincarnational personalities, let’s call them… if there’s something about your personality that you struggle with, that you don’t approve of, but you judge, something that you want to adjust, you may do that today… the Spartan who is accompanying you is there to help you become a better person, he’s there to help you to remove something from your own personality that you yourself see it’s not really helping you to evolve – your own shadow
Because if you do it in this life, when you come back, if you come back into another incarnation, you won’t bring that characteristic with you… do you understand?
So you might take a few moments to think about something about yourself that you wish was different… if you’re so arrogant that you can’t find anything that you don’t like, you might find something in your physical form that you’d like to change… perhaps you’d want to be a bit taller or thinner or more curvy as a woman – find something that you want to alter…
You are going to be climbing up the Site, you are going to cover as much of the Site as you can today… as many individuals that you encounter, the Spartan will also be working on them… you might look at those 7 Deadly Sins if you can’t think of anything – perhaps you choose Pride… so as you are climbing, your Spartan will be working on your pride… if you meet another human being on your road, the Spartan will also be working on their pride…
Do you all know those so called 7 Deadly Sins?
Go through Pride, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy, Rage, Sloth – you can look at those and see if you have any of those in your field… you know why they call them the 7 Deadly Sinsif you carry that for your whole life, you won’t become enlightened; that’s a shadow that walks the direct connection with God… they are all very human, let’s say…
So you are going to go on the Site, you are going to have the attention on removing from your field that energy, let’s call it, and the Spartan will be assisting you…
The Site is cleared from the energy of the humans who walked upon it with those sins…
First, you will come over to the spring – what’s left of it, and We will assist each of you to perform this Operation… We will meet you at the top of the Site so go all the way up, above the Theatre, at the Stadium and We will meet you there and We will begin another Operation that you will be performing on your way down, as the gift that you get for giving away your sin, as it’s called…
Any questions about this?
(Ch.) Should we follow the path or should we spread out and cover as much of the space as possible?
– Follow your instinct… if you get drawn to stop over there somewhere off the path, do it… if you feel to make an exercise and run up to the top, go ahead… when you enter the Site, pause and allow your warrior, your Spartan to be very clearly present with you – and you are walking together… if you want to talk, you can talk to him, but not to anyone else until you get to the top; then you can talk to each other…
And, you know, when you speak to your Spartan he may speak back to you… you may be saying ‘I really want to get rid of this sloth I have about finishing this Project, what do you think?’ And you’ll probably get an answer… be playful and trust whatever happens… it’s always important to bring your childish nature along for these Ceremonies; We are not serious, are We? And, please, enjoy the Site as you climb up…
(R.) Can we use more than one sin?
– Certainly… you can use all seven if you can find them in your field – you might need seven Spartans though, they will come… just ask ‘I need more help, we need more soldiers’…
(D.) Do we choose a Spartan and not an Athenian or a Theban or a Corinthian because we only need warriors?
– No, because We came from Thermopyles yesterday and they were available, let’s say… within a Spartan is always the warrior spirit… they are still recognized in the Modern World as warriors… the word Spartan is defined even in the English language: the Spartan lifestyle, minimalism
When the Spartans were trained, they weren’t only trained for battle – they were trained for enlightenment… you all know that living your life requires a fighting spirit, does it not? You can’t surrender, you can’t keep surrendering to misery; you have to choose every day to be positive and enthusiastic, no matter how difficult the situation is… so in the Spartan lifestyle the difficulties were created so that the subject could choose to maintain the fighting spirit of life
(Ef.) Is it possible that in the process we can move to another sin having concluded with the first one?
– You can choose whether you want to bring the whole package in the beginning or whether you want to go one-by-one… before you enter the Site, you should know how many you are going to work on so that you can gather that many Spartans…
You ask ‘Will I know when to stop?’ We will answer ‘We don’t know’… that’s a matter of how focused you are, how intent you are, how much you believe in what you are doing, how aware you are of what really is eating away your evolution, let’s call it…
some people don’t want to give up their gluttony – that’s ok too… it just means that you are coming back to work on it again: maybe the life that you remember you were starving, so you have to eat a lot in this life to balance that… and then you come back and you become enlightened if you choose…
You know, you might not realize that evolution of the spirit is also a matter of free will and choice for the human… the earth is a beautiful place; maybe you want to come back… maybe you just want to go and enjoy the nature today and forget all this fun…
It’s not up to Us! We offer it, We help – We can’t make it happen…
(Ef.) As we go up, is it better to be close to other people or stay on our path?
– Stay on your path… you don’t have to avoid the others…
(W.) You mentioned removing things that are not good for us – what is Your take on hypnosis as a way to remove blocks or fears or psychosomatic issues?
– Are you asking if it’s effective? It depends on the character… all of you spend a number of hours hypnotized during your daily lives… it depends on what you want to use as the hypnotist: the TV, the electronic games, the sunset… so if you realize that you have something that you want to have it removed, you can effectively use hypnosis to take it out, it does work… it also has to do with how willful you are as an individual to allow it to happen… there’s a great issue of control in many human beings and this is pride… in order to be effectively hypnotized, you have to let go of your pride… 
(A cat meowing around) Now this creature wants to evolve, you know… this is why it starts the song of ‘Help me’ – and, certainly, it will evolve from coming into this Circle… you don’t have to feel sorry for the creature, feel happy – it’s a smart little cat…
Ok, We will speak again at the top and you take a moment to figure out what you will be working on today because the first cleansing will be in this leftover spring and We will meet you there… so take a little time to find yourself…
[The Closing]
Near the Stadium
You don’t need to be so serious, you know…
You had a very open Site this day, very few persons to interfere with your movements…
We want you, as you sit, to imagine that the earth is grounding itself inside your body… so this means that when you inhale, you’re pulling the energy up through your spine so that you will be bringing the gold of Delphi into your form – or the light of Delphi or Apollo himself who rests here…
so let’s talk first and this will be your exercise… so when We close the Circle, you will take approximately ten inhalations that will bring the energy up, you’re bringing it all the way to your crown chakra above… you will have a sense of an opening above the head… as you descend from this area, you will be grounding this energy – with every step that you take, you will be moving this Force through your form back into the earth without making any effort, without any willfulness, it will happen automatically…
this doesn’t mean that you’re taking it in and giving it back – although you are; in the process you will be opening the higher chakras clearing all the others below and taking the gift with you… keep your awareness awakened concerning the Ceremonies We’ve done these two days with you… you know those characteristics that you’re seeking to balance, keep an eye for them as they appear or disappear… as far as the Spartans go, you will be leaving them here or they will be leaving you here… do you all understand? Quite simplistic instructions, but the effect on your fields can be profound…
Any other questions?
(D.) I remember a similar exercise on the Acropolis some years ago during which we were asked to leave in the Parthenon a part of our entity; what does it mean when leaving some part of an older life behind as we go along?
– The Spartan that was gathered will automatically depart – the agreement is complete, you might say… those of you who have your personal connection with a Spartan in your reincarnational wheel, will have an emptiness that will appear after this Ceremony – then you might fill it and We suggest that you fill it with Love… the Spartans had a peculiar relationship with Love; they didn’t believe in sentiment or attachments… each Ceremony is designed individually; they don’t necessarily follow one another… they may all have a similarity in the goal, which is Know Thyself, but it’s not necessary to compare one with the other… there is no purpose, there’s nothing to be gained… We attend to serve everyone present at every Ceremony… We try to make each unique and effective…
(D.) I’m asking whether the goal was to relieve the personality from the burden of previous loads, let’s say, of previous lives, gradually, with each Ceremony…
– Let’s not use the word burden… let’s say that you carry with you those things from other, previous lifetimes that will serve you in the present life… let’s say that this is the only life that really exists – if you’re present in the moment, many times other existences leave a type of emotional cloud over the present moment that you might want to clear… perhaps having a strong influence from a Spartan life prevents you from opening your heart, fully, to a loving relationship so that when the time comes to surrender to the one you love, you create a war or a battle or resistance – perhaps this is the cloud… maybe We’ve used the word burden before… as you evolve the past loses its influence on the future...
(D.) This sounds promising…
– Anyone else?
(Ch.) I have a question regarding this cycle of existence with the goal of illuminative enlightenment and although it’s a generic question, it’s been keeping me busy for a long time… the question is this: Many have said that to know, to understand the end is to know the beginning… and I would appreciate anything You could say to us about the beginning of this whatever it is we understand as life, as existence, the reincarnations, the wheel of reincarnations…
– This is something that is beyond the comprehension of the mind… you might say ‘the sun rises, the sun sets‘ – what’s the difference?
(Ch.) The intervened period of action?
– One lifetime is as a leaf falling from a tree… Life has a great deal to do with the Earth, doesn’t it? Without the Earth you wouldn’t have this life, would you?
(Ch.) I am getting this more and more… also including the Sun, of course, which completes the Field of Life…
– Because the Sun brings the Light… and if there’s a simple answer to your inquiry it is ‘Light’… Let’s rephrase and say that ‘one lifetime is like a leaf falling on a windless day’…
(Ch.) You said earlier today that we choose our hypnosis, our motive of hypnosis, and that could be the TV or a game or the sunset, and that brings the question: so this is all hypnosis is about and it’s just a choice of finding the one that will lead us out of it?
– Well, one of those 7 Deadly Sins – they’re also hypnotic… it can be the driving force of one’s life…
(Ch.) And they are, initially…
(D.) So it’s all in the state of mind… and choices we do have…
– You can decide why you are here on the planet; you can make that decision…
(Ch.) I understand that, I can appreciate that for people like us who face certain choices and certain difficulties but not overwhelming, let us say, but I can also see that a vast number of the population continues to face survival, and it must be incredibly difficult for them to make such choices other than survival…
– Can you accept that you’ve had many lifetimes that survival was the main issue?
(Ch.) Yes, of course…
– Perhaps you’ve been promoted to a position of greater choice…
(Al.) And what should our stance be towards the rest of humanity that faces only that choice of survival?
– Gratefulness, of course… your choice… you choose… there is no should… what should our stance be: beyond Gratefulness for where you’re standing… and Gratefulness brings humbleness, doesn’t it?
(Ef.) I don’t know whether I was a Spartan or not but in my mind what’s stopping me from feeling love is those 7 deadly sins… After the whole process today, where I’ve thrown quite a few away, will that feeling become possible for me?
– Certainly… you keep working on it… you see it’s a matter of awareness, isn’t it? You have the ability to become aware of the moment where you create the block to surrender to love – no matter what type of love that is… many Spartans consciously or unconsciously don’t have children… Why? Children have the tendency to bust all the blocks to love just by their presence; it becomes impossible to hold that Spartan shield when a child enters into your circle of life…
(Ef.) Well, it’s a little late for me…
– We’re not suggesting that anyone have a child… We’re just giving, We’re opening the possibility of why you never had a child… and you don’t have to have a child to learn unconditional love…
(D.) One of the possibilities, at least… Jesus didn’t have children, or so we think…
– How do you know? Actually, He did…
(Ch.) Well, sometime ago you asked us (the group) to compare Alexander to Jesus…
– We asked you (Ch.)
(Ch.) Ok, well I felt that actually… one of the difficulties is how exactly we know the real historical Jesus and not the stories that have been written for Him?
– You don’t really know… you’re only guessing… if you’re honest with yourself, you only know your own history, you don’t know anyone else’s, any other history… you don’t know… you might hear something and feel that‘s the truth… and then you may choose to live by that truth that you feel but you don’t know if it’s true until you have the experience yourself…
(Ch.) Ok, so I’m to compare according to what I feel… ok, got it…
– Anything else?
(W.) On a completely different subject… there’s so much uncertainty regarding my position in my work; it’s not up to me and I could end up anywhere in the country, really… and this is for a lot of teachers also… I want to ask why this is happening and if it’s up to me to decide, which place I should pursue from now on…
– You know that this is part of the so-called crisis or reorganization of the system of government in this country… your best choice is to relax… to reconsider where you have worked… to determine where you would like to work in the future… what satisfies your hunger for teaching… where you would like to go… why do you think you’ve been travelling around so much the last few years… why you had that wanderlust to see many places… so that you could choose… you choose and then see how the dice rolls…
(M.) I have been delaying implementing a professional goal that I have set because I haven’t been feeling ready and various blocks keep arriving… I want to ask if there’s some advice or guidance on how to pursue this goal…
– Pray… make sure that you put the element of surrendering to the Gods into your daily practice… make sure that you live as you’ve already achieved your goal rather than keep it somehow at a distance in your mind… do you understand? Use the element of fantasy combined with surrender to the unknown element of creativity which is Godliness…
(M.) I have received at least two dreams about this goal that I’m pursuing now, and these dreams are offering support to me as I was moving ahead and I am troubled about the grounding… how do I ground this goal? So, it is relevant what You said that I am keeping a distance in my mind… like I want to do that but I’m actually not grounding myself enough in order to make it happen… Is one reason that I am not grounding myself?
– Also there’s an element of disbelief… that it’s impossible rather than believing that God will give you what you want at the right moment…
(R.) When I meditate for a long time, I reach a state where I’m connected with the Source and I feel like I’m in the Field of all possibilities and I can extend my hand and reach anything I desire… and at this stage I feel I don’t need anything, I feel full, and blessed and connected with God… and then when I get in my car and drive, I start fighting with all the people around me and I’m totally a different person, and I don’t know how to connect these two things… how can I bring this magnificent state that I’m in when I’m meditating into my world?
– First, understand where the dissatisfaction originates from… when you meditate you feel well; the goal is to bring that state or condition of wellness or to hold that condition of wellness throughout the day… why don’t you use some type of affirmation? When you feel that rage rising, make a statement: “I am well”… you might also try some type of cathartic anger management… so that you can take it out of you, see? When you meditate, you go out of yourself a bit… when you go into your world or the world that’s still around, you meet your own anger… it’s not necessarily coming from the outside, the outside stimulates it out of you…
now, some say or believe that it’s wise to constraint the emotion… We will say perhaps it’s better to find an outlet for it… to take it out… chop wood… break plates… do something to bring it into the physical, to ground it… take some inexpensive plates and work to bring that rage up and then start breaking them… and then clean it up… if you work to remove it from your field, you won’t meet it so often… you won’t find it anymore inside… what do you think? Do you have something, there’s a trigger and then you feel a burning rage?
(R.) It’s very instant…
– There’s a trigger… like turning on the light and then possessing you almost… so, deliberately, invite it and throw it out… you can break something, break it; and the more that you do it the less you will feel it… it’s inside you, you see? The more that you take it out, there won’t be any trigger anymore… you can punch it… you choose what you like… a punching bag maybe?
(R.) Maybe I’ll return to my boxing practice…
– So rather than freaking out in your car because someone is behaving idiotically, you can go home and remember that and start to beat it out of you… do you feel tired?
(R.) Yes…
– And the more often that you do it, the less you will find it inside… you don’t even have to find the origin of it… it’s not necessary, you’ve already found the path to the divine, you already admit that you have this… and that’s one of those 7 deadly sins – you can take it out…
(Ch.) I would like to add to this that following a recent psychological type seminar I attended, I found out that all of us have all these inside – deep inside – and they are caused inadvertently by the way that life takes place – I wouldn’t say: designed, I’d say: takes place… due to parents, lack of knowledge, lack of experience or their own traumas themselves and society around us… I’m guessing from what You’re saying that it will work for all types of sins to recognize them, manifest them and try to deplete them through this process…
– Now, We will say that everyone has a vessel inside them to contain that, but doesn’t necessarily fill that vessel… through the experiences of life you might put a lid on that vessel and never really manifest one of those sins because you’ve learned that it’s not going to take you where you want to go…
Now, of course everyone has anger, but everyone doesn’t have rage – that’s two different things…
Everyone has desire, but everyone doesn’t have lust
Everyone has hunger, but everyone doesn’t have gluttony
Everyone needs to rest, but everyone doesn’t have sloth
You see, it’s like that…
(D.) As far as pride is concerned, would dignity be the healthy version?
– Sounds right…
Okay… now We would like to close…
(Ch.) May I?
– Go on…
(Ch.) I would like to invite you to share some words with us about Apollo… We are in His home, this beautiful sunny day… and we would like to have some of that positive energy with us as we leave this place…
– You know what Apollo was about: aesthetics, refinement, these sorts of things…
(Ch.) Hence, music…
– Better to feel the energy of Apollo than to describe it…
When you do this meditation here remember what We said: you inhale and you bring the energy up… at least ten breaths… and this will connect you with that Apollonian vibration… you’re inhaling the energy up from the Earth this time, you’re not grounding with the exhalation… you’re inhaling, bringing it up from the Earth, that’s why We came here at the top…
So, We close here, with Us… Of course We won’t leave… We’ll just stop talking…
And We greet each and every one of you… The benefit of one is the benefit of all

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