Certainly those of who have joined Us at Delphi may have a suspicion what We plan to do today: We’re bringing the Sites together… these are represented within each of you like the pillars at the Parthenon…
What We want you to do today when you walk on the Site is to become one with the pillar… you choose whichever one that attracts you, you go to your center and then you go to that pillar…
Your goal is to discover which portion of that pillar you have writhen to… you know that they are in pieces and the spiritual path tends to come in pieces or chapters and as you’re building now with a very strong foundation…
Delphi was a line of the foundation; if you weren’t there, you can imagine yourself there first before you become one with the pillar and you will receive the foundation – that’s the simplicity of today’s meditation…
We’re not doing the exercise in the Site, We’re doing it with something that’s upon the Site so if you can see it, you can do it… it’s a visualization and an exercise in becoming one with the representation of yourself…
The pillar that you choose will show you how stable you’re standing and We will be strengthening that choice that you make…
In this exercise you align your will with Our will…
Because We have such a strong will, you know, We want to show respect for everyone who’s willing or not willing to participate…
and this is really a nice question you might ask another you’re interested in: ‘I’m willing; are you willing?’
In this way you give them an opportunity to understand whether they’re willing or not… that’s very advantageous for everyone who has a very strong will…
Because if you push somebody, somewhere they’re not willing, it backfires on to you; this is the challenge of power, one of the challenges…
It doesn’t concern Parthenon only; there are pillars at Delphi as well – We could be doing this exercise there… by bringing you here, We’re combining the energy of the two Sites… those of you who were at Delphi put your foundation there…
Even if you realize that your personal pillar reaches to this point (the diaphragm) from that experience at Delphi, the next energy body will be originating from this Site… Wherever you realize you reach, We’re putting on the next pillar…
We never talked about levels of development before this moment because it was of no value… certainly the higher the pillar reaches, the more panoramic view you have of your life, the more you are capable of seeing and the greater your awareness of the elements…
The higher up you are, the closer you are to the sun…
the higher up you are, the more sensitive you are to the wind etc etc…
Now first We’d like to take questions about what We’ve said – If there are any…
and secondly We’ll take personal questions so We can open a circle from this direction…
– (N.) What if we don’t get it right as we don’t know where we’ve reached?
– You will know… it’s not something that you know, it’s something that you will sense…
if you focus on the pillar with your eyes, with your intention and then you have the intention to know in how many realms you are and you close your eyes, you’ll probably see the pillar only to a certain distance…
It’s not about a competition with anyone else or with the pillars themselves; this is why We design these experiences as solitary ones… there’s only one vote that matters and that’s yours…
Now if your ego comes in and see that it’s going through the roof, actually We know where you’re standing and We’re still putting on the next level… and you know when you put on the next one, the ones below feel it so you might feel a bit more grounded for a few days, you might even feel a bit of weight….
If you have that experience, put the vision of that pillar back into your mind…
– (M.) Is there a relation between the parts of the pillar and the chakras?
– Not exactly, not until all the parts of the pillar are stuck… this is not exactly an exercise of energy within the physical form or within the energy field; this is an exercise concerning the stability of spirit in your life, how strong your spiritual warrior stands, how stable your self is on your path of spirit…
– (M.) When the Ancient built those temples, did they have that in mind?
– The designer architect – the actual workmen, not necessarily…
The pilgrims who came to the Site knew what they represented though… the Sites contained the Statue of the Goddess; the pillars held up the protection for that deity and that deity represented the city so that by becoming the pillar, you offer yourselves as representatives of safety and security for your city here…
This is the underlining selflessness that you’re offering by doing this exercise…
By securing yourself as a spirit, you’re rising in order to protect the roof of protection over this city… you know how downtrodden the citizens are…
Everybody can spend five breaths to ground yourselves at Delphi before doing this exercise and then comes the pillars exercise…
it doesn’t’ really matter which one you choose, they’re all willing to co-operate, to hold the roof, they know their purpose, they know their reason for being…
Now begin!
– (M.) Is there anything else You could tell me about my presence at Delphi?
– Only know that the struggle is your own, it’s not originating from outside of yourself, and you’re winning… give yourself the luxury of time to your advantage…
Any time in the future, if you feel unstable, you can come back to this particular exercise and stabilize yourself…
each of you knows that the struggle of the spirit is with the self, not with anyone else…
– (G.) What is Faith, how does one open up to this and start developing?
– Life is the only thing you can really have faith in… that your life will lead you, will move you…
this is why you have the element of Time in this dimension so that you can witness the continual movement…
if you ever feel stuck in any way on any idea, concept, person or addiction, move… get up and move…
By Faith they usually mean the flock that follows the shepherds – and this requires Trust…
do the sheep trust the shepherd or are they so afraid they just follow wherever he goes?
In order to become faithful to the process of living, you must remove all the fear and before you can remove it, you must admit that you’re afraid…
Faith in the self, in life, in the path will eventually grow inside as it replaces the fear…
Who is the most faithful creature that you’ve ever encountered?
Maybe a dog that’s free in the street; it has faith it will find something to eat, somewhere to sleep, a companion…
And each of you are welcomed to life by all the elements, you survived the infancy, childhood… your life is for you…
– (K.) I have two dreams – the first was about a castle I was in as a student and a spiritual teacher whose wife wanted to kill him…
– Woven with this dream were many past life references… you’ve been this student at the School and that era of time… actually you were ready for the education but the wife of the teacher had a crash on you and was angry that you didn’t give her what she wanted – this is why you were discouraged to believe in yourself…
trust that your dreams are very significant, everyone… It’s not easy to interpret one’s dreams, it takes a great deal of study…
– (K.) Some dreams are nightmares though…
– The nightmares help to bring out the fear from the self…
– (K.) The second dream – we were sitting in a circle and there was formed a temple and you, J., were teaching sitting on a desk… I couldn’t understand how I could crawl to you…
– You transformed your physical body to reach the desk to become the teacher… a prophetic dream, leave it as that…
– (K.) Sometimes I die in my sleep and in many ways…
– Overcoming connections with past lifetimes… if you ever felt responsible for another person’s death, you’re paying it off over and over again like a loan from the bank you keep paying with your own life…
– (M.) I dreamt a nice house a woman lives in, who invited me into the house and showed me around… in another era I showed her the house I grew up – something is connecting me to her…
– The woman is yourself and the house is your consciousness… she’s your mother-in-spirit…
– (Yi.) In these times of insecurity, I actually feel protected; is there something I can do to enhance the security of my surrounding, of my clients?
– You might do a meditation on Unity…
You begin with the subjects asking them what they have in common, what unifies them; only unity can bring people together realizing that the spiritual path is the same for everyone – male/female, rich/poor… the lessons are the same for everyone…
Have your attention to a sanctuary, have some Holy Water in your place so that people can bless themselves when they enter… this is an Orthodox country and you must have a level of respect for that…
– (M.) I used to be having many visions but lately they have been reduced and I’m worried…
– It’s progress; too many visions and dreams are very confusing…
There’s an opportunity to rise above this condition into clearer atmosphere hopefully…
When in Grammar school, you draw many pictures, colored pictures, correct?
When in higher grades, you start to direct yourself to knowledge, you don’t need pictures to describe the situation, you get the direct information… so accept it and see it as something positive…
– (K.) It happens to me to have the intention to do something good but in between I lose it…
– Do something good every day, a small act of kindness, do anything you can, have the intention every day when you wake up just to support your life, just to keep a positive attitude…
Now We will enter into the pillars and each of you can do your own thing…
We will greet you there…
You can do this exercise whenever you like; We will be keeping some energy into those pillars as We seek to support your city…
We greet each one of you individually and We welcome you and We go to the Sites…