Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


If you see that life does not necessarily become easier, the wiser one becomes…
Many times, it becomes more complicated in order to allow those participants in the life to evolve, to develop, to put their wisdom to good use…
At this moment in your life, it’s appropriate to accept that you have this wonderful position in the life of your child… to accept that your child has chosen her position on the earth, her position within the family, her position in her life at the moment…
She’s not a typical human being!
These children – and they are not indigo children – are crystallized
And this means that her emotional body takes on a different form… or responds to life in a different, a new way or method than the old model, which is you, your wife
E.g. consider the automobile: now you have an automobile that is electrically wired… you can have digital readouts… an engine that is using a more refined fuel – no more lead in the gasoline… all this compared to the old model that was in some way sturdier but not necessarily a smoother ride…
This child, and many of the children that have been born in the last decade come into this life with a new wiring: they have a new chromosome and they react differently than you yourself would react in the same situation…
If you think of this system in the automobile that starts from skidding off the road down the cliff, the new car will stream itself up and keep going…
What are We trying to say?
It’s very important that you do not project your own fears, assumptions and reactions onto this child!
You already are capable of witnessing her: the way she is processing information, the way that she reacts emotionally…
Perhaps this is what you’re missing: you are not seeing that she does not necessarily absorb emotion from those around her or from her parents or from her own genetic bank!
What is happening inside of humanity is an evolution!
You understand that if you have a bacterium, and it’s in the hospital, and it’s constantly being bombarded with antibiotics, it adjusts itself to becoming stronger to fight off the antibiotic – you know about this, correct?
Now what is happening with these children is that this reaction is an emotional experience! They are desensitized, in a sense, to beat the emotional battleground of their parents and of society; they have the crystallized form which means that they reflect it back out!
You are blaming, in a way, the birth of the child for the imbalance that begins to occur in the mother…
What has happened is that the mother has taken a responsibility for the system change that occurred within her child transferring it into her own emotional body and manifesting an imbalance…
The fact that you are, a bit, of the older generation plays into this!
There is a certain expectation within the procreation that the young will beget the young e.g. between 20 and 40 and usually it’s been in the past that younger will make the children…
As you and your wife were a bit on the edge of the older generation to bring forth the new model-human, all of the in-between needed to be balanced; and through the distance comes the responsibility of balancing the new road, the new highway so that your daughter can move through it…
 So what do you do?
The first thing you do is agree with your wife whatever she says, however she says it!
Start to play the Game of Acceptance: however she goes off, you go with her in the same direction… it’s your responsibility to bring her back energetically… it’s important for you, often, to touch her here in the spine and massage towards the neck off…
Your daughter’s goal is to discover her way and, also, to accept her way!
It won’t necessarily be any easier than your way was… or her mother’s way…
Life is full of opportunities for Development – they can be seen as challenge…
There is always some type of explanation from the past life or somewhere but life is an educational process…
Your daughter will not respond emotionally the way that you imagine!
You can never imagine how she feels; this is the big Discrepancy that occurs within the crystallized children and their elders until those elders learn how to crystallize themselves…
What does it mean to be crystallized?
You don’t reflect directly, you reflect in many different directions… so that if you, as a human being, have a certain expectation that she will feel a certain way if her mother abuses her with words, you imagine that she will react in a certain manner – We tell you she will not!
She will reflect that, energetically, back onto her mother and then her mother has got to deal with it…
We don’t want to give the responsibility for the imbalance from the mother to the child but it’s connected, it’s not accidental!
So you don’t resist your wife’s imbalance; you witness her and do this energy work – after that you put your hands in water, you rinse it off…
Eliminate all toxic meat from your wife’s diet – carrots, beets, potatoes, all kinds of roots are good for her…
We can do some energy work on her directly if she agrees…
As for the child, trust that she can find her own way, she won’t be forgotten… and she won’t be overlooked… she will make it!
The main reason that the humans start to crystallize is for Survival, for longevity in the face of challenge!
We don’t want to say longevity in the face of tragedy or in the face of the destruction or disaster  longevity in the face of Transformation!
Because you know what is happening on the earth, you know what is happening in this city, what has been happening… and there is a progressive movement, it’s not something to be taken lightly…
It’s something quite real!
The earth is supporting humanity… the new births… the new strength within those newborns… and they know more than the old models!
They have a quicker, smoother, easier, more accurate and faster response to the changing energies on the planet!
Add colorful food in her diet, even if they are raw; these foods can help her color the whole scene…
About your work: USA is full of illusions, it’s the land of illusions…
It’s most often dreamed about by others on the planet as ‘a land of opportunity’ or combined with a great level of hatred, anger and resentment
And this country is not well from an energetic point of view…
There are certain points that have power, positive energy…
There are enough persons in the land that are securing the positive anions or the negative anions to allow the transformation but the status quo is getting lower over there…
You don’t want to go down with that, you don’t want to go down!
So begin to affirm that you can bring yourself up energetically…
It’s important that you watch your own thoughts!
Write down your fears, all your negative thoughts, everything that is bothering you in a spiral and allow your daughter to see what you are doing: she will become curious…
Tell her you want to get it all out of your mind!
If she asks you, don’t get specific with her; generalize with her and then she will imitate you!
She hasn’t expressed any fear, has she?!
Encourage her to know you are always available to her, that you are always responsive to her!
Choose a historical figure you admire to be your ancestor: this is about humanity after all, it’s not about genetics!
Choose a composer of music, introduce him to your daughter…
Make a scrapbook with pictures, create a historical bank map for her – in so doing you connect her energetically with them!
First, choose a composer, play the music, dance to the music… then an artist…
In other words, you are responsible to connect her with a new heritage of humanity!
Then an author, Shakespeare… somebody you find interesting…
Connect her with people from history you admire, men and women…
In this way you fulfill her visualization!
This is how you want her to reflect, how you lead her planet…
These are not human beings as you can describe them!
They have the ability to be present in the moment more effortlessly than the old model… They have the ability to take what they need from the experience without necessarily being hurt or damaged from the experience!
And this is all in preparation for the future  the human being is evolving!
As many human beings evolve consciously, come more into the expanded consciousness, the human form must alter itself – it cannot stay the same!
Just as the new highways must be built for the new model automobile – and you know now they are talking about hybrid automobiles
It’s an error to humanity to mess around scientifically with genetics – it’s a part of the destruction, unfortunately…
This is what happened in Atlantis: not trusting nature
Nature is making the new babies!
Naturally the human evolves; some things are better not interfered with!
And a difficult challenge for you, your model, is with the thoughts and the emotions: you care too much! It’s natural: it’s your model to care too much…
Those small ones, they don’t care in the same way, they care in a different way…
E.g. a romantic relationship with a crystallized individual and a non-crystallized individual: it won’t work because the one who is not crystallized can never really see as clear as the other!
For intimacy to develop harmoniously, there has to be mirroring…
Why are you having so much fear?
Because your child has none!
You can’t or it’s almost impossible to overcome your own hesitation to accept the relationship as it is because she won’t reflect back to you your fear – you have to have it all yourself!
If you try to reflect it onto her, it gets broken by the crystal and then you get it back multiplied!
This is what else is occurring within the relations between those small ones and the big ones!
When those indigos start having crystal babies, then you will see a giant leap in the evolution of humanity…
The Indians say ‘It takes seven generations to change!’ – it’s true: you can’t hope for instantaneous adjustments!
You know you are working with yourself…
You understand it’s your fear even if it is for her – you can give it to her!
When you have something that belongs to another person, don’t you give it to them?!
Accept her… accept that she has divine protection – and you can tell her that!
Her mother grounds her or else she would feel disconnected with the earth, she would have trouble connecting herself!
In other words, there must be some kind of missing link that keeps these humans connected to the earth!
This relationship between a big guy and a small girl is really magic and it gives you the opportunity for healing your own feminine womb inside of you…
Once you step into the light, you are safe – you are no longer into the dark!
You must deal with your own shadows – then the real work begins actually; until you step into the light, you can’t really see your shadows because you are in the darkness so you are still walking around bumping into furniture…
Once you step into the light, you can begin healing yourself
Each person has their own program for healing!  
Each person chooses the circumstances and the place of birth, and the parents, deliberately! Evolution of the spirit is a personal process! It takes lifetimes and it’s individual, it’s private… It’s not something somebody else can impress unless there is receptivity
We can put you in the light; We can’t keep you there – that’s your responsibility!
We do the best that We can!  We don’t push or pull anyone in!
Now, the crystallized individual has the opportunity to transform light – and this is the magic!
Know that We are protecting you and helping you, energetically, whenever you need Us!
We are available for you!

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