Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

4 April 2024

It is always good to bring up the humor! Laughing has the ability to break into belief systems; to loosen the hold on whatever the mind believes is truth or relevant to being. Sometimes it is better to be without any beliefs just open-minded and open-hearted. If you are empty headed then it is easier to go into life, to learn to trust life as you meet it if you are not filled with expectations or anything that you believe that you know. Knowing is valuabale up to a certain point then it becomes a limitation. It can limit one from expanding on any topic, so it is always a positive thing to be receptive, to be open, and to hear what the universe has to offer to you. You have a mothering instinct toward others and that is positive, that is love.


Advice on helping family

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15 July 2018


Feel the wind now. Close your eyes and get with the elements here. Allow the sounds created by the wind to clear your minds. The ancients were more in tune with the elements than the present humans. They did not believe in accidents, they knew that everything had a purpose; everything had a reason to be. No experience was rejected. It was appropriate to explore the experience to find the hidden messages. So therefore, you stay in the flow if you take this type of approach to your life, you do not reject anything, you just move with what is happening in the life; you keep going. If you reject or resist your experience then you are basically spinning around in a circle. Meditation exercise

Thoughts tend to move in a spiral, the infinite mind moves in the infinity sign, the figure eight and this …

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Tylissos Archaeological Site – Crete Group Ceremony

Tylissos Archaeological Site – Crete Group Ceremony

19 Feb 2018
Tylissos Archaeological Site – Crete Group Ceremony 

It’s what happens in between. You know the expression “read between the lines”? It is what is happening in between that shows the way to the future; the unexpected things that happen. The magic is always in between so you manage to come here. You have carried the energy from the mountain top Festos – (phaistos), you brought it down to the city, back to the valley and back to another city and back here. As you see this place is not really excavated, it is covered with the moderns. Those who chose to live here are certainly affected by the site. This was a smaller city state, you might say, still associated with the matriarch. This is the goal and this is what each of you might ask yourself “Where is the matriarch? How do I find the matriarch?” …

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We’re welcoming each of you as old friends! Certainly, you have served Us well; We’re talking about the old-timers

Now, there are a number of new acquaintances to be made, and We greet those of you who are new to this gathering Force, for,
 this is a gathering of Force! We have, always, referred to Us as a Gathering of Force of Energy, and We’re preparing to become more invasive into the energy fields of those who come forward… 
Many of you have, already, felt this, many of you, already, know this!
We want to thank you for standing by: those of you who are getting on the plane, know who you are; those of you who are holding on the ground can imagine your responsibility…
You know the pilot is, always, depending on the ground force to give direction, to clear the runway etc… now each of you

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