Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Delphinians Reading for the New Generation

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“The last year I am concerned about time…

It is because you are in tune, in touch with the accelerating energies that are present. You are aware that things have sped up. What you can do to balance that, do you do any aerobic exercises? We suggest that the first thing you do is accelerate, whether you run or walk very quickly, you speed up. In order to balance this feeling that time is rushing by, because it is.

For everyone?

Yes, for humanity. It has to do with the shifting into a new age, into a new Earth, a new vibration. Think about physics for a moment, when you are at a finer frequency it moves faster. Think about music, the higher octaves have a higher frequency. This is what is impressing you, because you are impressed, you have an impression in your energy field. Your mind

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 1)

(at a plateau near the waterfalls)

Of course, We’ve been storing energy for each of you…
Sometimes in your life, you can’t see the big picture, you can’t see the forest because you’re looking at just one tree; hopefully, after this journey today, you will be able to see the whole forest…
This doesn’t mean that you will be walking for hours, but you are going to be walking for a short time… We want you to ground the Light so as you sit here now, start absorbing the light from the sun and bring it down – how do you do that?
Just feel it, surrender to it, close your eyes and let the sun fill you with energy… when you are walking, after this Meeting, you are going to be sending the light out through this right leg… every time

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Sharing what we remember from what was said during the reading yesterday morning, Saturday 29/06, at the mud baths (the not recorded Part)
(J.) First of all, all rocks have faces…
no matter where you’re looking, look for the face, look for the mouth, look for the eyes and then look for the form – you might see animal forms, humans, spacemen, but you can see forms…
and this is how you can share power with the rocks: by seeing them… you know that any time you have a problem, if you talk to your friends, you just want them to see you, don’t you? You want them to see as much as they can about your experience so that they share with you…
so yesterday what I remember…
we were talking about Intuition
of course, we all remember the exercise with the mirror where

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