Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Spring Clean Up at Delphi

Spring Clean Up at DELPHI

The ancient site of DELPHI offers the visitor an opportunity to have direct contact and deeper connection with their own personal entity field, or SOUL. This contact has the potential to create a more inspired degree of living and being.

Between 2006-2018 we have worked with the Delphinians and the energies buried at the archeological site of Delphi to create and secure a clear and clean connection between you and your entity whenever you visit the site. Each year we are instructed to make ceremony to ensure that this pathway is free from debris. This debris is created by visitors who unconsciously litter the site with unawareness.

On the weekend of APRIL 20-21, 2019 we will be making a ceremony at DELPHI geared towards cleaning the site and clearing our own shadows. Please join us!!

On SATURDAY APRIL 20, 2019 we will be visiting the …

Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 2

Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 2

30 August 2015



Everyone sit in an open position, not crossing arms or legs. Close your eyes and allow the wind to empty your heads. Not only is the Earth willing to assist you, the elements are also very effective.

Opening meditation

Just to listen to the wind, just to imagine the wind blowing through the chambers of your mind when you open those windows, those doors of consciousness. You can imagine the wind is blowing out any irritating thoughts, worries or fears. As you open to that expansion of consciousness you also have the power to empty your mind of any thoughts that are not supporting your target.


It is always a good idea to have a target. Why not enlightenment? Why not open up to the mystery of the life? This place is very sacred for that. You might say that they built all this …

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